What are you eating?

I took up the trumpet at age thirty. I realized the breathing process while playing was great for my asthma and became obsessed with it. I played it daily for 20 years. Now I only pick it up a few times a year and my lungs are still good but my lips/embouchure are gone so after 5 minutes I’m wiped out.

My favorite sausage in Central Texas comes from City Market in Luling. Everything they do is good but the sausage is outstanding.

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Our daughter gave us one of those weekly farm boxes for Christmas. It’s been pretty cool, and the best discovery so far was daikon radishes, aka watermelon radishes. Not only are they tasty, they’re pretty. Tonight I finally cooked the Jerusalem artichokes that were in the week-before-last box.

That is some strange stuff. Not bad, just . . . strange.

We’re starting to corner the market on butternut squash.

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Wait until you start getting flooded with kohlrabi.

I’m not even sure what kohlrabi is.

ETA: I’ll plan to buy a still to make kohlrabi vodka. I’m sure that’s a thing, and it can sit in the pantry next to the sausage stuffer.


Try pickling the daikon. It’s like candy.

You can have my part of squash.

I got rice cooking in the microwave.

Booooo. One of my forever daughters is Viet. She shames me every time I make rice in a pot on the stove instead of the dedicated rice cooker.

Speaking of rice, I made beef stroganoff once many years ago and realized I didn’t have any noodles. So I put it on a bed of rice. It was excellent. Now it’s the only way I make it. I also once discovered that Spaghetti sauce/gravy over rice isn’t an improvement on Spaghetti sauce/gravy over noodles.

I’ll take it

I once had a roommate from Taiwan. She had a really fancy rice cooker and would buy rice by the 50-lb bag at some market here in Houston. It was pretty awesome.

That’s my life. I still have only explored 10% of what our fancy Korean rice cooker can do. And it gives me updates in Korean as it goes which terrifies the cats. But I would say the rice from the Korean clay pot is god tier. No fancy cooker can touch it.

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My forever daughter “taught” me the 50lb. bag thing. Imagine the derision I received when I brought home the big bag of basmati rice from Costco. “What the f-ck is that? Do I look like I’d eat that sh-t? Let me spell this out for you… J-A-S-M-I-N-E rice, with the big yellow elephant and purple Thai writing on the outside. What a stupid f-ck you are”. She was 14 and had just been placed with us a few days before. Good times, good times…


Sounds like she might be related to me.

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I sat at lunch to day with two guys who worked for the company that runs the rice elevators up the Texas Coast. One of them asked me if I liked rice, and I said I ate it every meal, and sometimes twice a meal. It made him happy.

There was rice with the rubber chicken, and one of the other guys said something stupid about what kind of rice it was, and one of the rice guys said no, it’s basmati. I’d never sat at a table with someone who I
was certain could identify every kind of rice.

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If I’m not eating rice that means I’m probably having noodles.

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I’ve cooked many different rices in many different ways, but outside of homemade sushi rice I do not see the need for an electric rice cooker. But that’s just me, and please tell me how I’m wrong, seriously.

Rice cookers are amazing. Make sure you wash the rice first and outside of the traditional clay pot it’s going to be the best rice you’ll have. Perfect every time. The best part is that it stays warm and is ready whenever.


Agreed. I’ll add that you have to buy quality rice too. Hill Country Fare ain’t gonna get it done.