What are you eating?

I first remember her in The Pink Panther. Hubba hubba

High quality stupid hilarity

Eta for bunk related purposes, there’s constant eyecandy

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How should i cook these scallops?

Sear them in a cast iron skillet in lemon juice, butter, and crushed garlic. Or skewer them and cook over a wood fire. Scallops aren’t one of my favorite things if not cook to just the right firmness.

Is Blackpool considered a big city?

Their wine can be transcendent, especially what I made during a very shit vintage in Bordeaux back in '08. Seriously, there is nothing on planet Earth like Burgundy, white or red, and Loire Cab franc is on its own plane of existence. But theFrench can also be far too fucking precious about their wine.

Their rugby is some of the best in the world, last weekend’s result against notwithstanding. Les Bleus have a very real chance to win Rugby World Cup later this year. Which (checks notes), is in France.

Their women, well, I’m rather conflicted about my ex-girlfriend.

This is bullshit. Mostly.

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He is consistant though, he pretty much says that about every state.


Joual is like jabbing chopsticks in your ear. The Quebecois believe they’re such custodians and stalwarts of French language and culture. The French call them, “ma petite cousine.” The equivalent in English being the linguistic molotov cocktail, “Bless your heart.”

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I like hearing the French language, but admittedly don’t understand it and have little frame of reference. It just sounds smooth, and frankly seductive. Unlike say Arabic, which may be the most beautiful written language in the world, but is like chewing on gravel to listen to.

Type-1 is my go-to. Type-2 I have not tried yet.


I also endorse method #1. I love scallops, but they are easy to fuck up.

Put your pan in the oven at as high it will go…get pan out…sear enough to brown.

I’ve never cooked with ghee before (I understand what clarified butter is), but I impulse bought a jar of it last weekend and now I need to use it.

I’m headed to Singapore next week. Any good recommendations?

(No, I’m not flying Singapore Airlines. United has me firmly shackled in their loyalty status program)

It’s been a long time since I was there, but I think Mark R was there recently.

And Singapore Airlines is a Star Alliance member.

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Mark has been there. He stayed for a week, I think, so he should have suggestions.

He suggested a while back to not waste your time getting a Singapore Sling at the Raffles Hotel.

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Nope. It’s a tourist destination (think Myrtle Beach), so you’ll probably find a bunch of low brow restaurants that are designed to fleece rubes and aren’t worried about repeat customers.

You should be able to get good fish ‘n’ chips though.

Whereas German comes as advertised whether you’re reading it or hearing it.