What are you eating?

I’ve been to France once and remember liking the food but also thinking it was overrated at the same time. Except for the bread and pastries. Those were on fucking point.


Everything French is overrated from their food to their wine to their women. They are firmly convinced that they invented Western culture, however.

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French bread in France is God level.

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They have let Paris go to shit. I always preferred the south of France, though, as the people there are more “Mediterranean”. Parisians are New Yorkers with less of a filter.

I was in Paris for work once and a Parisan I worked with said Paris would be great if it wasn’t for the Parisans.

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If you’re in the big cities, you’ll be fine. Restaurants serving not-English food abound and are generally decent to excellent. If you’re outside of the cities, the cuisine tends towards overcooked carbs and meat, but fish ‘n’ chips is a staple everywhere and fish in any coastal town is recommended.

If you’re going to Scotland or Wales…there should be a McDonald’s.

Paris is great in August, because all the Parisians are in the south for the entire month.

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I’ve always felt exactly the same about California.

Anyway, what the hell do these people have against kippers?

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France is wasted on the French.


Agree re: food. Agree re: wine. Nasomuch re: women. It is funny to see how much they think they influence western culture, as they listen to Jazz and watch Jerry Lewis. And their dedication to the tortured “ancient” Parisian french language is comical. 250 years ago, it was the 4th most common language spoken in France and the version they speak now is hugely modified. You gotta go to Quebec to hear what it really is supposed to sound like.

Am I going to have to post another photo of Gina Lollobrigida and Sophia Loren to remind you where the European hot stuff originates?

Or food and wine, for that matter.

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Never a bad idea…

Better safe than sorry.


Bonjour, eh?

Somehow, you omitted to mention Claudia Cardinale and Monica Bellucci.

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Speaking of, have any of yall watched Letterkenny?

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Never heard of him.

No, but once it’s cancelled, I hope the headline is “Oh my God, they killed Letterkenny!”


Letterkenny is absolutely great, and the spinoff, Shorsey, is just as funny.

The show is silly as hell, but they know how to take a joke and stretch it as far as you possibly can in the best way.

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I watched Once Upon A Time In The West just last week. Claudia Cardinale…MMMMmmmmmmmmm.