Video Games

My Atari 2600 would like all of you to remove yourselves from the lawn.


Hah! We got one of the first Pong boxes to attach to our Magnavox TV. When I was in college.


Intellivision for life!


That was my first system, but my parents bought it - used, with a collection of games. That was a great Christmas.


My first system was a N64

The last video game I played on the regular was Cool Boarders 3 around 1999, although I did get totally wound around GTA3 a few years later and gave up on video games altogether.

I do play around with MAME every now and then but that consists of a few select games I loved in the late-70s - early 80s.

I topped out at candy crush.

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Intellivision baseball was great


My first system was an original Nintendo. My favorite games were Tecmo Bowl, Arch Rivals (a basketball game where you could punch players on the other team and the refs), Blades of Steel and Double Dribble.

Now, I have a copy of NCAA Football 2014 downloaded to my XBox 360 that I play an online dynasty with my best friend from college who lives in Arlington on weekends. My wife, daughter and I play Wii games together. Our favorite is Mario Kart, but we also have been working on beating Donkey Kong Country, and they play Super Mario Galaxy together.

I play Mario Kart with my grandson when we visit them. I am an abject failure at it, but it gives him a chance to roll his eyes at me and tell me what to do. Some of those courses seem damn near impossible.


I am sorely tempted by Baldur’s Gate 3. Their Divinity series completely consumed me for a bit there.


When I first moved out of my parents house, my buddy that I moved in with still had his N64. I found a copy of Mario Kart to purchase. We turned it into a drinking game when we had people over. Finish last among the 4 players? Drink. Some of the best fun I’ve had in my life

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Some Mario Kart courses are definitely near impossible to either stay on the track or not get hit by things. In our version, my wife and daughter hate Rainbow Road because the road has no guardrails on either side so it’s easy to fall off, and Moonview Highway because you have to dodge oncoming traffic the entire race.

My daughter is actually pretty good at the game after a few years of practice. I always am the one stuck playing with Wii wheel, which I often want to chuck through a window because Nintendo made it so sensitive that when you try to do a basic turn, you almost always turn off the track. I suck when racing with it.

Yeah, Rainbow Road was the one I was thinking of specifically: curved surface, no guardrails, no visibility into what’s coming up. I spend all of my time falling into space and waiting to be restored.

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Apropos of nothing, if you are a computer gamer and live primarily in Steam, the Steam Deck is a wonderful piece of hardware. Playing emulated games on it is a lot of fun too.

The only thing I don’t like about my Steam Deck is that it’s not the Steam Deck OLED, which was announced about three days after my 30-day return period expired.

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If I ever have to start leaving the house for work again, I’ll be investing in a steam deck for sure

My Steam Deck hasn’t left the house yet, mostly because it’s not the smallest portable device ever. But it gets a ton of use at home because I can play it anywhere, not just at my desk or in front of a TV. Steam cloud saves make it easy to play on my PC, then move to my SD. In particular, though, the touchpads, back buttons, and the ability to remap any command to any button or multiple buttons (whether the game itself supports it or not) have all been so revelatory that it may have ruined all other controllers for me.

It’s so good. It’s the same engine as the Divinity games, but adapted to D&D rules, and they did such a good job with it. I’m still trying to finish my first playthrough so I can start a new one with new characters. It’s going to be the standard for RPGs for years, and if they open up the toolset to modders it will last even longer.

Also, the voice acting and emotes are on another level. Every single NPC you can talk to has a voice and script. The main companions have great voice actors, and one of them (Neil Newbon as Astarion) is the best I’ve ever seen and heard.

It really is as good as the hype.

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I haven’t played any of the Baldur’s Gate series and have very little familiarity with D&D. I bought the remastered BG1 a few days ago and it’s… a little intimidating so far. Should I jump to BG3 or progress through the series?

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Stupid question:

With single-player story games like Spider-Man, can I “ignore” the main story while I go off on trophy hunts, or will something bad happen if I don’t get to it in a timely manner?