I didn’t get the hunting lists done as Arthur, so I’m sure I’m screwed now. I felt driven to follow the main plot line, thinking I can clear all these things up later, but that’s simply not true. Some missions die with Arthur, some things (like hunting snakes in the water) are just so much harder to do as John.
Next play through I am going to complete all the side quests and challenges as early as possible. I know the story now, so I can happily put off the ending for a while. Doing the Downes debt collection mission is going to be weird. The internet has tried, but this mission and its outcome are inescapable.
I am at #9 for both Survivalist and Herbalist. While bagging a 19lb fish for S9 should double-up as the first part of S10, I can’t believe I’m going to have to just walk the earth like Kane from Kung Fu, collecting plants and fish that I’ve already collected. I just got done with harvesting the ingredients of make the Special Tonic, and now I have to do this shit?
I have made myself lists of the plants and fish with their locations, so I can try to minimize the traveling. I have to find a shit-ton of orchids for Algernon Wasp too, so I am going to spend half the time knee-deep in Lemoyne swamp. Yay.
I guess I will try to ride the various wild horses while I’m at it, but I still have had zero luck with that. For some reason, I am reminded of Saturday nights at the club…
Question: Why is the “Lady of the Night” Orchid not just called “Whorechid”?
You take all your actions, and finish your turn. Then the computer civs take all their actions. Each turn is a time period, starting at 50 years and scaling down to 1 in the late game.
Speaking of GTA, it appears that RockStar Games has made a number of patent filings for the sixth edition of game which hint at game play potential.
It seems as if they are using AI to run NPCs. So, not only will this make the possibilities for how they interact with players virtually infinite, they will also interact and form relationships with each other. How long it takes them to rise up and overthrow the sunglasses people has yet to be determined.
Further, to appears there will be an AI engine to “design” the interiors of the buildings. This is leading people to think (hope) that the buildings in the game will be enterable. Not some of them; all of them. Every room in every building. Given that the map is twice the size of the GTA V, it’s going to take a lifetime to explore the entire place.
That’s when I learned the value of a war horse. You can stay in the saddle when you stumble upon one of the elenty billion gators.
ETA: the interwebs seem to think that the hunting missions are available to begin post-story/epilogue. They start by taking/ reading a flyer at (any?) rail station. The one at Rhodes is where I picked mine up iirc.
Arthur had a war horse you insensitive sonofabitch!
Ah, my bad. I’m confusing hunting missions with the camp wish list, like a comic or harmonica. I am able to complete the other missions, like Algernon Wasp, the wildlife exhibition and the like.
I think I might play it at some point, but I am concerned that 1.0 graphics and game mechanics will be an issue for me. Also, I have already completely spoiled the ending for myself, including grown-up Jack.
I think I have totally fucked myself catching all the legendary fish before unlocking Survivalist 9. I have been hooking 18lb catfish - one was 18lb 15oz - but I cannot get that elusive 19lb fish.
I found a third Klan cameo last night. Four members are standing around a fire, bickering about whose fault it was that no one else showed up (Spoiler Alert: it’s probably mine). They start pushing and shoving, and two end up setting themselves on fire. The other two run away, but learn that they cannot outrun a split-head repeater round.
Oh, and I finally bagged a 19lb fish so I’m now slogging through Survivalist 10 (catch one of every fish) and Herbalist 10 (pick one of every plant).
The only other challenge I have remaining is Horseman 10. I did manage to mount a wild horse finally, but it bucked me off before I could fully tame it. I think the game is mocking me.