Single story house (balconies and staircases are just as dangerous), all windows are un-openable and bulletproof. Who takes the job of food tester?
What good is a food tester when the agent of choice is polonium?
Litvinenko fell ill less than 12 hours after ingesting the polonium (from a tea kettle)…I guess you’d get used to eating leftovers?
Yushchenko was poisoned at dinner, Navalny wore poisoned underwear, the Skripals had a nerve agent on various doorknobs and such at their home…that’s 4 different poisons with 4 different delivery methods.
You’re gonna need a lot of testers.
You can be a hard guy, but can you be “firing a howitzer without losing my cigarette or coffee” hard?
Dude is lucky he does not have a shattered ankle. He clearly is not the guy firing the howitzer every day.
So is there any thought that this was a planned ruse to move a force into Belarus to create another front?
It doesn’t seem to me that they’ve needed Belarus approval for anything else, so I don’t see why they would bother with anything other than a perfunctory phone call now. But perhaps they’re feigning disorganization in the hopes that Ukraine will rush through the “hole” and find themselves in a trap.
The fact that nukes were just moved to Belarus, and now Prigozhin too, has got to be raising alarms.
I picked the wrong night to watch “Ghost Protocol”
The nukes are probably tied to Prigozhin‘s ankle monitor.
Wagner destroyed several helicopters and a plane. Those are hard to replace in Russia currently. On top of it making Putin look very weak, I don’t think this was a ruse.
7-9 helicopters and a C&C plane. 13 Russian service personnel died fighting the insurrection.
Don’t think it’ll become clear who “won” until we see who falls out of the window(s) among Gerasimov, Prigozhin, and Shoigu.
Exactly what I think
The equipment losses are the important thing to Russia. We already know they don’t care about their soldiers.
Also they made it halfway to Moscow with minimal resistance. That’s not a good look for Russia. What if China suddenly started looking at old maps?
Russia can move troops in and out of Belarus at will anyway. Remember, Russians invaded from Belarus in February of '22.
This has made Putin look very bad and it is reported that Priggy’s amnesty has been revoked and Priggy’s whereabouts are unknown.
Hey Siri, set destination to Moscow
Windows 95 or Vista?