The sci-fi TV thread

Dark. But one of the top sci-fi shows ever, if not the top.

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Was thinking about working my way through it again just the other day.

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Does that stand for Battlestar Galactica? I’ve not seen it. Assume you think it’s worth a watch if it’s available streaming somewhere.

It’s definitely worth a watch. It really lost its way toward the end, but it was a huge step forward in what TV sci-fi could be.


I rewatched BSG in its entirety a few years ago and the series holds up remarkably well. I also enjoyed the later seasons more.

I think it’s only streaming on Peacock nowadays.


Waldo’s correct on all points, including Peacock.

It’s amazing and compelling. 75 episodes (including the miniseries to start) and there’s maybe one or two clunkers. Superbly acted and the effects rival TV shows of today.

It includes some of the best space battles you’ll see on the small or large screen. Not just here and there, but sprinkled regularly throughout the show. There are some major set pieces that are both incredibly tense and darkly beautiful.

It came into being not long after 9/11, so it’s informed by the debates and mindset of that time. Its showrunners cut their teeth on Star Trek: The Next Generation - which still dealt more with the Cold War - but BSG takes on the real world issues of its time and, like Starbuck, pulls no punches.

Pro Tip: Watch to the end of the credits on each show.


Funny, we’ve been watching it since it came out and never watched the end credits. Next time we watch I’ll make a point of doing so. For us it’s a “winter” show so if/when we rewatch it’s usually in February or so.

Starbuck is awesome in every way.


I am up to Season 3 already. Rewatching (again), you see clearly the foreshadowing early on for things that come later. Things that you thought were made up on the fly now show themselves to have been planned all along.

We’ve watched it several times and each time we do we concentrate on a particular character or arc. Makes for intersting watching. Roslynn is not a nice person.

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She comes up with the idea to airlock Cylons, which she routinely orders including wanting to airlock babies. She all-but orders Adama to assassinate Admiral Cain. She fell into the presidency and then tries to steal the result when she lost her bid for re-election. She abuses drugs. She hates Cylons to her core, but happily receives a Cylon blood transfusion to save her own skin.

She’s Trump in a dress.

I like Adama’s arc(s). He knee-jerks himself onto the wrong side of an issue, has a moment of reflection/realisation, and course-corrects. Rinse, repeat. Basically a thoroughly decent man who has to get over himself on a regular basis.

All of the characters are complex and layered. That’s a smart move to focus on a different one each time through, because there is so much detail and nuance that can get lost in the fire hose of information.

Also, regardless of your orientation, the show is stacked with eye candy.

Regarding the end titles:


What you’ve been missing is a series of animated vignettes of the two producers beating the living shit out of each other.


Holy shit. She even pandered to the religious loons like Trump.


I forgot to include that she separated babies from their parents.

Christmas is coming…


Goddammit. That this show manipulates the viewer into seeing her as an objectively sympathetic character speaks to its brilliance.

Roslin is evil #1653:

Mid-way through Season 3, she authorizes the genocide of the Cylon by the use of a biological weapon.

You had me at Kurt Russell.

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Among the many many crimes against film committed by Rise of Skywalker:

You have Keri Russell in your movie and you put her under a helmet the entire time.


Something the Federation also did btw.