The sci-fi TV thread

All they will say is that it is taken from a theatrical print, so it’s one or two generations removed from the master. It is a 35mm print; I don’t know if they were doing 70mm prints back in 1977.

Fun Fact: The entire OT has been selected to be preserved in the National Archive - in recognition of the films’ historical importance. But Lucas’ sad devotion to his “upgraded” versions means that the movies haven’t physically entered the archive. George says they can have his special editions and the archive has told him that it is the original, unmolested prints (that George claims don’t exist) or nothing. What a dickbag.

Yeah, that’s the sense I get. That it’s just so horrendous that there wouldn’t even be any value in hate-watching it.

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I say this honestly; the rest of the movie is so, so much worse.

Even GoT finished better.


But Padme dying ties back to the, “Anakin knew that if he ha any offspring, they would be a threat to him” line from ANH. I don’t know that Padme’s adventures with Leia could have flown under Vader’s radar. And during Padme’s funeral scene, she has a distinct baby bump showing, so no one save for a select few knew she had given birth.

Or I might be missing your point.

Well…that’s nitpicking, isn’t it.


So bad it seemed that was their goal.

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Trying to find the floor for effort that could still make money.

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Well Padme and Leia could’ve flown under Vadar’s radar the same way that people called Skywalker and Kenobi living on Vader’s home planet did. Because…reasons.

My point was that they could’ve retconned the whole funeral and no babies thing into being an elaborate ruse to convince Vader that Padme was dead and that he had no offspring. Really the only thing to be fixed here would be to have a Padme show up in a movie/TV show with someone saying the line “Somehow, Padme returned”, as they’d already hidden the kids.

She could then have a series of adventures as a rebel fighter, living under a false identity, hiding her existence from Vader, while secretly visiting Leia from time to time at Chez Organa and showing her how to grow up to be a kick arse rebel leader. As a TV series, every episode would end with Padme moving on to the playing of the sad piano lament from the end of the “Incredible Hulk” TV series*.

Eventually, though, we know that she would buy the farm at some point because of what Leia said in ROTJ - presumably before the events of the lamentable “Kenobi”.

  • As an aside, Marvel missed a huuuuuuuuuge trick here not using that music for the end of Spider-Man: No Way Home.

The only goal of that movie was to say “fuck you” to Rian Johnston

Mark’s mom and her friends used to talk about General Hospital like this.

That brings back some memories of my mom ironing while she watched Luke and Laura on GH.

Sue (Mark’s mom) watched it faithfully.

Springtime For Palpatine


Cool band name: Vader Radar


I’m in the Empire is the best camp. I saw it when it came out: my older sister was watching my younger sister and me at her place for the summer and took me to see it while she and my other sister went to a different movie. My biggest takeaway from seeing Empire in the theatre is that it was amazingly great space opera, and it was also the time when i heard the loudest and longest fart I’d ever heard before or since.


It’s the most grown-up of the entire movie franchise. In that regard, the second-most grown-up is Rogue One.

Which he has a naked Princess Leia? That’d be the most grown up.


That would be Return of the Jedi, which also introduces Ewoks and eschews incest, so…


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I’m patiently waiting for the young kings to binge with me.

Is it Rebels season 5 or something more?