The sci-fi TV thread

People have been yammering on about how amazing the image quality on this new telescope is, but this image looks pretty gritty to me.


Who knows how many reduction steps the versions we’re looking at have gone through? I wonder what the resolution of the originals is.

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This is the original of the image Limey posted:


Now I get it.

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Waldo shoots, he scores.



Like shooting fish in a barrel.

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This is me waving my hands around at the back of my jaw like gills.


I went to school with a guy we called “trout”, because he bit on everything.

Mrs. Singer: He’s been depressed. All of a sudden, he can’t do anything.
Dr. Flicker: Why are you depressed, Alvy?
Mrs. Singer: Tell Dr. Flicker. It’s something he read.
Dr. Flicker: Something you read, huh?
Alvy Singer: The universe is expanding.
Dr. Flicker: The universe is expanding?
Alvy Singer: Well, the universe is everything, and if it’s expanding, someday it will break apart, and that will be the end of everything.
Mrs. Singer: What is that your business? He’s stopped doing his homework.
Alvy Singer: What’s the point?
Mrs. Singer: What has the universe got to do with it. You’re here, in Brooklyn. Brooklyn is not expanding

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If the universe is infinite and expanding then it must have an edge or an end side to expand from. What the fuck is on the other side of that?

Buffalo, NY.




All work and no play make Danny something something

I hope Apple were just catching their breath before delivering a much better episode next week.

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I hope you turned around and burned

Just now getting around to S3 of The Boys. There’s some shit in E1 that I wish I hadn’t seen and now can never unsee.

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Consider this: that’s just episode one.

I’m four episodes into season 1 of FAM, and my major question is this:

Does Ed’s hair ever get any better?

Is grayer better?

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I’m up to E3, and there’s still nothing as disturbing as that scene in E1.

Well depending on how you feel about sushi that could change.