The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Trump is having a bit of a day.

Well, this info could have been released long ago if he hadn’t delayed it.

And fuck this “leading in all of the polls” nonsense. He does nothing but lie when he talks or posts.

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The “leading in all the polls” is so that he can claim the election was stolen when he loses. He will bang that drum until the day he dies.

More conspiracy theories by JBM. He lives for them.

Legacy media has finally realized that reporting only the horse race is missing the lede by a billion light years.

He spoke of “a million Rambos.” “Turnarounds” and “gotaways” and “dead-head spending.” He mixed up Iran with North Korea and strained to pronounce United Arab Emirates. He marveled at Hurricane Helene coming so late in the storm season, which typically runs through November. He falsely claimed government agencies can’t name the U.S. population, and he compared the conflict between Israel and Iran to “two kids fighting in the schoolyard.”

They are no longer sane-washing Trump. They’re reporting accurately what he says and pointing out the bleeding obvious: that it’s totally unhinged and batshit.

Much like many of his cultists.


Conspiracy theory? Facts, dumbshit.

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No, conspiracy theories, jackass.

Because the whole immunity theory is entirely made up, whatever determination the district judge makes will go up to the court of appeals, who will affirm, and then to the supreme court who will come up with some other quibbling invented distinction that will cause the whole process to start over again. Trump will pass away from old age before he is ever held accountable.


I think once Trump loses again, the motivation for people to beclown themselves on his behalf will disappear.

In the specific case of the Supreme Court, they will be in a new world where Democrats will be pushing for term limits, a binding ethics code and possibly expansion. They’re political animals, and they will know that fighting a pointless battle can only drive the will of those moving against them.

I can see them letting the appellant court ruling stand as that is about fact-finding and not a constitutional dispute.

You are so sure of yourself. You probably still push the conspiracy theories about the 2016 election you whined about for years. You are the only person who loves conspiracy theories more than JBM.

Limey dislikes energy independence, affordable healthcare, secure borders, less inflation, paying less taxes, cheaper goods and world peace.

Interesting that he puts “PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP” in quotes, like he knows he didn’t really win in 2016.

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Andrew Weissman described Smith’s filing as “bombshell after bombshell after bombshell”. He’s not wrong. I’m 30 pages in which means I’m into the Michigan section, which follows the Arizona and Georgia sections. Every page has a nail in Trump’s coffin. And every one of those nails is being hammered home by a Republican witness under oath.

Everyone was telling Trump he lost. When the campaign legal team told him he lost and refused to pursue legal action over the debunked nonsense, Trump replaced them with drunken fart machine Rudy Giuliani. Time and again Trump and Giuliani called Republican officials in AZ and GA alleging various wild tales of fraud, and were told that there is no evidence to support it. Typically, Rudy or Trump would claim they had it, were asked to present it, and never did (just like they did in all the court cases they lost).

It’s all very compelling despite being a dry legal filing. I cannot imagine how devastating these witnesses will be when on the stand.

That the GOP isn’t today doing what it should’ve done two years ago and kicking this guy off the ticket is - to borrow a phrase - a damning non-answer.

No one wants to see the evidence. You can put evidence right under a liberal’s nose and they all look the other way. There is no reasoning with a liberal.

Smith’s recounting of the Pence pressure campaign - now with direct testimony from Pence himself - is astounding. It was an everyday onslaught that ramped up the closer they came to Jan 6 and as all the other schemes failed.

At one point, with Pence still refusing to go along, Trump told him that hundreds of thousands of people are going to be very angry with him. Then, after that conversation was over, Trump later tweeted to his orcs a reminder to be there on Jan 6. One conversation ended with Trump berating Pence for being “too honest”.

Trump called Pence multiple times on Jan 5 and the morning of Jan 6. When it was clear that Pence wasn’t going to go along, Trump inserted inflammatory statements about Pence into his speech for that day.

We also now know (per previous post) that it was Trump who sent the tweet about Pence to further inflame the mob during the riot. As Smith lays it out from direct sworn testimony, Trump had been sitting alone in the dining room just off the Oval Office, watching the riot on Fox News and scrolling through twitter. He knew the rioters were in the building when he sent the tweet.

Makes the “so what?” comment to the news that Pence had been rushed to a secure location even more chilling.

“Will no one rid me of this turbulent vice-president?”


“Peacefully and patriotically.”

Update and Correction:

Peters faced 22 years, she got 9. She reported to jail today.

The judge gave her a dressing down for the ages at sentencing:

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The biggest crowds…