The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

More than his boss will ever be capable of, yes. Of course there were so many unanswered questions and convenient pivots. But at least we watched two humans discuss things. It felt like I hadn’t seen that in years.

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Vance really did dominate the whole debate. Walz just didn’t look like a leader tonight.

This was Limey’s favorite part about the gun control debate and where he thinks Walz “backed up over Vance.” He thinks we all should become friends with school shooters.

To me, Vance seemed to do a lot more or the talking last night, but did he say anything really meaningful in support of his campaign? Anything clippable for the campaign to use? I don’t think so.

But there was the sprint away from the Jan 6 challenge, and there was the “I was told there’d be no math” moment:

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Yes that was great when he called out the moderators and exposed their hypocrisy to the viewers. He gained Trump a lot of votes last night. Walz came off as a nervous, timid liar.



@Limey, did Vance say anything inspiring, enlightening or constructive in his multiple hours of talking during the debate? Anything whatsoever positively resonate with you?

@D.WARD, did Walz say anything inspiring, enlightening or constructive in his multiple hours of talking during the debate? Anything whatsoever positively resonate with you?

I don’t recall Vance saying anything inspiring last night. He was all-in on demonizing immigrants and trying to claim that energy policy will fix everything.

He flooded the zone with so much crap that it was impossible to keep up with fact-checking in real time. He dropped two whoppers about Obamacare that got lost in the mix:

  1. He said he doesn’t need to protect pre-existing conditions in a healthcare plan because there’s already a law for that; and
  2. His elderly relatives were able to transition off MediCare onto private insurance.

Those are both thanks to Obamacare, which he wants to destroy.

He was civil with his opponent, but my pre-existing nausea over Vance meant it felt performative to me.

Here’s another example of the Dopelar Effect:

During his faceplant over Jan 6, Vance’s non-answer was to argue that he’s looking to the future before pivoting to accuse “the Harris administration” of censoring “information” on Facebook during the 2020 COVID crisis.

So he doesn’t want to talk about the 2020 election because he’s looking to the future, so he chose instead to talk about alleged COVID censorship in [checks notes] 2020. Also, “the Harris administration” was in power in 2020?

This was my take away also. Substance aside, the fact that you had two people being polite to each other was quite refreshing.

Of course, a polite lie is no less dangerous than a lie screamed by an elderly orange man, but it’s less viscerally annoying.


This is probably the best summation of last night’s debate I’ve read so far.

I found his lying to be extremely annoying because everyone knows Trump lies, that’s a significant reason why a lot of his supporters love him, quite literally because he lies all the time, but there may have been some disengaged people watching that would have no way to know that Vance lies about literally everything, too, and in his confident, calm, and, as you say, polite delivery he may have seemed normal to this particular group of lost souls.


That’s the point, normalizing fascism.


The banality of evil.


This is awesome.

The redacted Jan 6 filing is out…

“Make them riot.”

  • Trump campaign staffer (not Trump)

TV pundits are feverishly ingesting the filing. Pence’s testimony appears to be the most damning; there are multiple conversations documented in which Pence offers Trump a myriad of off ramps from his headlong charge towards the Jan 6 clash, and Trump declines every one.

The filing is full of people telling Trump that he lost. In fact, there is a ton of evidence that Trump was told he was going to lose prior to the election, and the plot to overturn the result started before the result was known.

The witnesses are a who’s who of Trump campaign officials, Trump campaign lawyers, Trump campaign staffers and Republican officials from the various states who were pressured to fall into line with the “criminal scheme”.

Shocking, not shocking:

Screenshot 2024-10-02 at 4.28.54 PM

I actually agree with Walz more on abortion than I do Vance. So I would say Walz resonated positively on that with me.

Smith proves that Trump sent the tweet that sicced the mob onto Pence. There were only two people who could tweet on Trump’s account, Trump and a staffer, and the staffer testified under oath that it wasn’t them.

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