The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

My apologies, I just assumed it was a lie since Limey posted it. So the illegal immigrants are sticking to geese and ducks only. Ok then, glad we cleared that up. It’s really tiring correcting Limey and you daily. I have never seen more gullible people in my life.

Isn’t your appointment for your 74th Covid shot booster today?

That and a legion of brainwashed rubes that are no longer concerned with rational thought. Their only only principle in life is unconditional subservience.


Mark Robinson is about to go through some things.

North Carolina is currently a toss up, despite being a state that Trump absolutely has to win. Robinson is a stereotypical GOP POS, so for the campaign to be in complete lockdown means that the expected revelations must be beyond your run-of-the-mill racism, misogyny or corruption.

Beyond his established daily attendance at the porn store for his private viewings?


Yet more conspiracy theories by Limey and JBM. They live for a good conspiracy theory.

Apparently beyond even his Holocaust denying.

They have days to replace him on the NC ballots before it gets locked in. I hope he pushes back against cancel culture and fights to stay on the ballot.


In case you’re confused, the CNN story isn’t out yet.

Yeah, the only thing that removes you from a Republican ballot is criticizing Dear Leader.

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They should just appoint people like Democrats. No one voted for Kamala yet here she is on the Presidential ballot.

Mr Lt Governor, please, I beg you, please do not drop out. I ask you, who among us hasn’t lubed up with pizza grease in a porn booth? Judge not lest you be judged is what I always say.


Reading the WaPo article, I was reminded that Trump referred to Robinson as “Martin Luther King on steroids.” It’s so fucking stupid on many levels, and of course, completely on brand for Trump. I sure his supporters pretend to know what it means, and cheer accordingly.

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Trump still leading in the polls. Only staunch Democrats like Limey and JBM are excited about Harris. Unfortunately there are quite a few mis informed Democrats who would vote for a blow up doll before voting for Trump. However, Independents and even some Democrats are siding with Trump and it is giving Trump the clear advantage.

Here we go:

All seems mainstream GOP to me.

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Well, “black nazi” and “supports slavery” are part of the platform. Must be that he enjoys transgender porn.


He’s not running as a Democrat.

Even the uncle peeping Tom admissions will be dismissed as locker room behavior.

What on earth could’ve happened post close today?

Screenshot 2024-09-19 at 3.10.20 PM

FWIW, I don’t think this is Trump selling. I saw a report that he has to file paperwork with the SEC before he can sell, and he does not appear to have done so. The smart money is on him getting a loan against the value of the stock, likely syndicated amongst Trump boosters who won’t care about getting their money back.

Trump isn’t the only principal subject to the lockout, so it could be one of the others cashing out.

So much winning. That’s plunge toward zero is our future if he wins.


Robinson is clearly a gigantic piece of shit, as is anyone who would vote for such a human piece of garbage. I, too, hope he stays on the ballot in North Carolina.

Not only that, many Americans need to be forced to take a bunch of educational classes because their lack of knowledge is dangerous. Imagine being denying the verified existence of the worst case of human genocide in history? Or, being African American and wanting to reinstitute slavery?