The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Yeah, you’re either playing a little internet peepee game, or you are a total and complete bigot.

I would like for you to let us know which one it is.

Just so everyone is on the same page.

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With RFK Jr. now endorsing Trump, is it time to break out the lettuce for Vance? Trump wants to claw back the attention…

RFK Jr. wanted a cabinet post promise from Harris in exchange for endorsing her, so Trump has to have promised him something. Fun Fact: promising a cabinet position in exchange for an endorsement is against federal election law.

Trump has been doing this for a while now; trying to gaslight an entire nation that “everyone” wanted Roe overturned.

Spoiler Alert: it’s not working and it will never work.

He cannot attack the justices who did his bidding - his SOP - because he needs them to rat fuck the election and keep his fat ass out of jail. So this is all he’s got left. He’s fucked.

Nothing I said is racist or bigoted. And I am far from a racist or bigot. Kamala earned that name by sleeping with her boss, Willie Brown, to get promoted.

But hate is?


Right on.

Uh huh.

Talk about President Obama and his wife.

Sorry if the truth hurts. I just call it like it is.

What is this truth?

Barrack Obama’s name is Barry Soetoro and Michelle Obama is Michael Soetoro. NTTAWWT

Very interesting numbers here. This isn’t a Democrat or Republican heavy poll. Over 5 million people have voted. I would say much more accurate than most all polls.

The Trump campaign has now racked up three formal complaints and two open investigations by the FEC for the interview he did with Elon Musk on Xitter.

Speaking of Musk and Xitter, it turns out that Russian oligarchs funded a large segment of the $44 billion buy out.

This is my shocked face.

Steve Bannon gets out of jail towards the end of October; NY has a fun welcome home party planned for him.

NEW YORK, Aug 23 (Reuters) - Former Donald Trump advisor Steve Bannon must face trial in New York on criminal-fraud charges over a push to fund the former U.S. president’s signature wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, a judge ruled on Friday.

Bannon, 70, was charged by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office in September 2022 with money laundering and conspiracy for allegedly deceiving donors who contributed more than $15 million to the private fundraising drive, known as “We Build the Wall.”

According to the indictment, Bannon promised donors that all their money would go toward building Trump’s wall, but he concealed his role in diverting hundreds of thousands of dollars to the drive’s chief executive Brian Kolfage, a decorated U.S. Air Force veteran who had promised to take no salary.

Just a reminder, Kolfage pleaded guilty to federal charges stemming from this scene. Bannon was charged federally, pleaded not guilty, but was pardoned by Trump before the case could come to trial. Trump’s federal pardon does not prevent these state charges being brought and, given that SCOTUS has previously ruled that accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt, may even hurt him here.

The trial starts on December 9. Welcome home Steve; back to jail you go!

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Translation: We got so excited jacking up our prices for no reason that you stopped buying our shit. We’re going to back off that a little now.

Screenshot 2024-08-26 at 7.01.42 AM

The Harris campaign wants live mics for the Sept 10 debate on ABC. Trump wants out of it so badly that he’s already floating the idea that he’s going to back out. Which means he’s going to back out.

The problem Trump has that if Harris doesn’t participate in the Fox News town hall - that was never agreed to by the Harris campaign nor the Democratic Party - Trump gets to talk unchallenged to those inside the bubble on Fox News. So it’s just another day ending in “y”.

But if he bails on the ABC debate - which was agreed to by both parties before nominations were locked - he gives Harris a huge platform to speak to the nation. He also looks like a coward. If he shows up, there’s every chance that Harris wipes the floor with him, while the split screen of a near-80 year old blancmange brain next to a not yet 60-year old at the peak of her skills will be stark.

I’m not saying that Trump is losing it, but…

That’s great, now if inflation would ease up, things might get back to a level that it was when Trump was president.

Harris has a history of royally screwing things up when she is allowed to speak and answer questions. Trump will do the same thing he did to Biden to her. He destroyed Biden so bad that he had to drop out. There is a reason the Democrat Party is not allowing Harris to speak to reporters or debate.

The dismissal of the Stollen Documents case is facing a likely reversal in the next week or so. If this comes to pass, it would be the third reversal of Cannon in this case, which is the gold standard for having the case taken away and given to someone else.

Fun Fact: Hunter Biden’s appeal to get his conviction thrown out using the Cannon doctrine - that special prosecutors aren’t real - has been denied.

Yeah that won’t get reversed. Keep dreaming.