The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

There’s absolutely nothing Mitch McConnell could do or say that would even remotely arouse me.

Let’s assume our worst nightmare—the Democrats get the White House, the House, the Senate. The first thing they’ll do is get rid of the filibuster, and you’ll have two new states: D.C., Puerto Rico. That’s four new Democratic senators in perpetuity.

I’ll be in my bunk.


Threatening us with a good time


The American Bar Association has adopted a resolution affirming that the Equal Rights Amendment has become the 28th amendment to the Constitution.

It’s been ratified by 38 states, and there is no legal time limit for ratification. Under Article V of the Constitution, that means it has passed. The ABA is encouraging all bar associations to support the implementation of the amendment. Under the equal rights amendment, gender discrimination would be treated the same under the law as racial discrimination.


If this doesn’t work, just add it to the list of things that will get properly codified if Harris wins and Dems have majorities in both houses of Congress.

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I’m not a subscriber to the theory that the hack of the GOP is fake, but the campaign account that was allegedly hacked being the one for Roger Stone doesn’t help the story’s credibility.

The City of Asheville, NC made Trump pay its costs in advance of his rally today.

The Trump campaign downgraded its original 7,000 capacity venue to a 2,300 capacity venue. It’s not clear whether this was because of the cost, lack of interest, or both.


The “Women Who Swear Like Fucking Navvies for Harris” zoom call is going to break the internet.

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Even my youngest kid has a credit limit of $1,000.

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Seriously though, it’s entirely possible that the Trump campaign is cash-strapped. Trump does an event maybe once a week - which could be down to laziness and old age - but it could be that venues are wise to his payment terms and are demanding money up front.

His last 3 campaign events were:

  • Press gaggle in his living room at Mar-a-Lago
  • Half-full high school arena in Montana
  • Zoom call with Elon Musk

His next scheduled campaign event is tomorrow and is - I shit you not - a press gaggle in his living room at Deadminster.

Even this iteration of the MSM is going to tire of giving him 90 minutes of free airtime eventually. Given the pointlessness of his last “at home”, it will be interesting to see who carries tomorrow’s event.

But this is all he’s doing. He has Vance on a stalking tour of Harris, creeping out ones of people at “competing” campaign events in the same vicinity as a Harris event, and no one cares. Trump is literally phoning this in, and he hasn’t even got to the hard stuff yet, like the attention the DNC will get next week followed shortly by his sentencing in NY.

Conversely, Harris and Walz are now touring separately and are blazing a trail through the swing states and beyond. One of these things is not like the other.

I don’t know how this went today but I can tell you that one of my employees typically picks up shifts at the Civic Center—the ironically inappropriate name of the venue he played in today. She told me that the supervisors there were desperate for she and her colleagues to sign on to work the event but none of them would, and of course the venue couldn’t coerce them into it because they’re viewed as seasonal, 1099 workers, not employees.

Asheville has been a bit frosty about ol’ Rapey Don’s appearance.


The campaign tried to rebrand from a rally - which would look tiny compared to a Harris/Walz rally - as some kind of intellectual (their word) meeting.

I don’t know what Trump said, but Harris’ rapid response team put out the now customary raft of sound bites. I presume it was the same old shtick.

They seem like 18yr olds who just heard of Ayn Rand

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Rafael is in trouble.


Trump’s intellectual…thing.

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Just at when you thought Vance couldn’t get any more regressive…

Trump, who constantly rails against early voting and felons voting, voted early in the FL primary.

Technically, he’s not a convicted felon until he is sentenced (on Sept 18). Still, the level of hypocrisy is staggering, which is the default level for Trump.

Wrong. He doesn’t like mail in voting.

According to polling (insert giant flashing asterisk here), Harris is winning the “double haters” - those voters who hated both Trump and Biden - by 42 points (53-11). Before he dropped out, Biden was winning that same poll by 9 points (28-19). Harris is not only picking up the lion’s share of such disaffected voters, but she has peeled some away from Trump, too.

The giant asterisk for polling is because I do not believe the sampling methods have any chance of reaching a representative sample of the voting public. However, trends in the same polls can be indicative of shifts, which this certainly is as the sheer size of the shift is unavoidable.

Also, polling drives campaign spending, and Trump is going to have to play defense in places like Florida, North Carolina (new poll has Harris up by 2) and even Texas, instead of in the swing states that he needs in order to win. His campaign is being out-spent and vastly out-organized by the Harris campaign, and his response is to do interviews from his living room and the occasional rally to a tiny crowd.

The media won’t present it this way - because they need the horse race for ratings - but Trump is running an historically bad campaign and, so far, Harris’ has been flawless.

Fun Fact: seven years ago today, Trump praised murderous Nazis in Charlottesville as “good people”.

Vance stalking Harris around the country really IS weird, and creepy. It’s as if the Felon’s campaign can’t figure out where to go and the Felon himself is either unwilling or unable to attend events, so they send the Creep to follow Harris around. Pathetic.

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Bizarrely, there is some good campaign strategery behind Vance’s stalking tour. Although no one shows up to hear him other than the local press, it’s the local press that he wants. He gives them soundbites and video that will play opposite the coverage of Harris/Walz on the local news that day.

Now, how the voting public is interpreting what they see is another matter entirely, but counter-programming news coverage is campaigning 101.

There is also the fact that everything Vance does is creepy.