The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

The impending financial crisis, for which Trump has been wishcasting, isn’t coming.

The CEO of Bank of America, Brian Moynihan, said that the financial giant no longer believes a recession is on the horizon for the American economy, hinting that the Biden administration and Federal Reserve have achieved a “soft landing” after inflation troubles in recent years.

“Our team is a great team at Bank of America Research; [it] does not have any recession predicted anymore,” Moynihan said. “Last year, this time, it was a recession.”

Sorry, but a bank employee cannot predict the future.

He’s the CEO of the 2nd largest bank in the US

I think you have to be CEO of the largest bank to be allowed to predict the future.


6th largest in the world, the slacker

So I see. He still can’t predict what is going to happen just as Trump and Harris can’t.

More trump lies

No one met Kamala at the airport.

Imagine for one second… if, somehow, the attitude of admitting you don’t know jack all shit about a subject became ok to admit again.

It amazes me how quickly internet jackasses become experts in AI, climate science, women’s bodies, gender differences, inner workings of legislation, economics, and sooooo many more truly important topics.

I’ll be happy to offer personal experience with my friends in face to face discussions, or here when applicable. But for fuck sake…

Shut. The. Fuck. Up. About. Shit. You. Clearly. Know. Nothing. About.


When Kamala’s camp is trying to pass off pictures of “crowds” of people with 4 arms, one eyeball, slanting eyeballs, 2 foot tall necks and a mustache on top of their noses, it’s just a bad look. It’s also a bad look to say you have a big crowd when the crowd is supposedly standing in front of your plane but you didn’t think about a mirror finish on the plane reflecting the clear area where the plane was, showing no people. They have simply got to do a better job creating these “crowds.”

FYI. The Harris campaign didnt do that. A rightwing guy on twitter did, then a bunch of people including the former president ran with it. It is fake news as he would say.

It’s too cliched that Trump is accusing people of lying about crowd sizes. That was literally his first act as president.

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The Harris campaign got caught trying to cheat. You have the liberal media trying to cover it up of course. Liberals don’t want to believe she did this so there really isn’t anything you can say or do to convince them. However, people who aren’t die hard liberals see what is happening. Those are the people who decide an election.

Dude, only fucking morons or people with dementia believe this crowd size/doctored photo business. Give it up, it’s pretty sad.


There are 100s of verifiable photos of the crowd in Michigan, why would they need to post an AI image? Speaking of, can you provide a link to where the Harris campaign shared an AI photo?

of course you can’t, because they never did.


You can clearly see the empty airport lot/hangar from the mirrored side of the plane. There was no one in the lot. The media is trying to hype Kamala up because she’s a terrible candidate and they are desperate. People just aren’t excited about her. And why should they be? They didn’t vote for her.

Sounds like some of the no talent ass-clowns I’ve flown with in my airline career!

Yeah, but Dear Leader, or fox, or oan, or whatever crackerjack outlet tells him what he wants to hear, so hey, must be true.

Then why are there 100s of other photos from people showing the crowd from different angles and from different people?

Simply go do a quick google search. You got duped on this. It happens.

It’s a shame that so many people believe everything that the liberal media gives them. She got the poll “bump” from the media to try to excite people. Kamala simply isn’t generating the excitement they were hoping. They can’t show pictures of empty arenas so this was the only other option. And there is a reason that she’s hiding from interviews. She is a dumpster fire when it comes to answering questions.