The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Someone asked him about crowd size and he was triggered to the moon. He set off on a rant that is still going, just fact-free, freewheeling nonsense.

Right after saying how incompetent Biden and Harris are, he starts a news conference where the reporters don’t have microphones when asking questions.


He has come back to crowd size at least three times now.

…and now we’re back to bitching about facing off against Harris.

He. Is. Shitting. Bricks.

He just spent a full two minutes gibbering about various state governors because he clearly couldn’t remember Walz’ name.

He gave up and called him “the gentleman from Minnesota.”

Hillary’s emails. I am not fucking kidding. Hillary’s emails.

The fact that he’s still going means he thinks this is going well.

I couldn’t watch anymore. I see CNN couldn’t stomach any longer either; they’re now spending time refuting every lie/statement he told while they covered it.

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Limey would never admit that something went well for Trump. He still thinks he cheated to win in 2016. It will be a sight to behold when he wins. I can’t wait for the crying and gnashing of teeth.

Just remember, the same people that say Trump is lying are the ones who said Joe Biden was doing great and at the top of his game.

Once again, you are so fucking wrong

MSNBC just did/doing the same.

“We’ll let you know if anything newsworthy happens.” :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I hope it warms your heart when I tell the truth. Liberals hate the facts.

Harris’ quick-response team are taking chunks of that presser and putting them out on social media without comment. They have a lot to work with.

Trump University was a thing until it was shut down because of fraud.

There was a Trump charitable organization in New York that was shut down because of fraud.

The CEO of Trump’s company is in federal prison because of fraud.

Trump has been found to have committed sexual assault in a court of law.

Trump has been convicted of 34 felonies.

Trump took money from the Egyptian President.

Trump was a frequent flyer on Epstein’s Lolita Express.

When American hostages were released, Trump praised the man who kidnapped them.

Trump supported the violent overthrow of the Constitution of the United States.


You forgot about the federal housing suit back in the 70’s

But wait…there’s more!

My list is hardly comprehensive and really only covers a few of the more recent lowlights.

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There’s probably not enough server space on OWA to list them all.

Kamala is so smart.

@Limey Weren’t you and I laughing about the possibility of this recently?

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Yeah if you were any more full of shit you would bust.

You just supported a guy in Biden who:

Stole classified documents and sold them to foreign countries

Used his crack head son to get millions of dollars from Ukraine

Regularly showered with his young underage daughter

Had to drop out of a presidential race for plagiarism

Inappropriately touched and groped many women and children

Is a proven racist who has made countless racist comments against African Americans

Opened our borders up so we can be flooded with illegal immigrants

Yup. Today pretty much confirmed that he thinks asylum seekers come from insane asylums (asylae?). He flat out said that insane asylums are far worse than mental institutions, which is pretty much a confirmation of the link in his brain to Hannibal Lecter.

Bottom line: the dumbest explanation possible is almost always the correct one.

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