The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

They’re shitting themselves after yesterday.

Vance called Walz’ National Guard service “stolen valor”.

Attacking veterans is always a winning strategy…right?

Vance is a Veteran.

A Democrat lying? Surely not.

Two words: bone spurs.

Two words: Heels up.

Holy Shit!

Meanwhile, Harris’ opponent is [checks notes] golfing. Harris/Walz are hitting 7 swing states in the next 5 days, while Trump’s only event this week is Friday night in Bozeman, Montana.

ETA: This is insane. 2008 on steroids.

Walz interrupted his speech to make sure that everyone has water.

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Reminds me of the right’s attacks on John Kerry in ‘04.
Lowlife losers.


Harris/Walz campaign has pulled in $3 million an hour, every hour, since the running mate announcement.

Conversely, Vance did an outdoor event today which drew about 100 people, about 90 of which were press.

How horrible a person you must be.

To you, it’s ok to say negative things about Trump but it’s not ok to say negative things about Harris. Harris slept with her boss to advance her career. That is a fact. I did not make that up. You do not know me. You are being extremely judgmental to call yourself better than I am.

That wasn’t a negative thing about Harris that you said, you intimated she slept her way to the top. Do you think that about all successful women?
I never said I was better than you. Although, I’m not a misogynistic prick like you, so there’s that.

Just a reminder that Donald Trump is a convicted felon and has been judged as a sexual assailant in a court of law.

Not cable “news”, not talk radio, not internet chat rooms or Tic fucking Tok, actual courts of law.


Well don’t go away mad. No sense in calling me names. No, I don’t. But when a woman sleeps with her boss and she gets promotions, I call it as I see it. I would also call it as I saw it if it were the other way around. Could really care less if he/she was a man or woman. There is a right way to earn something and that is not it.

Yes trump is a convicted felon for political reasons. Absolutely no proof he raped or harmed anyone.

The Arizona grand jury story is wild. They indicted 18 people for the fake electors scheme, up to and including Trump’s lawyers and chief of staff. They wanted to indict Trump and were told by the prosecutor that they couldn’t because it was “against policy”.

Reportedly, the grand jurors were pissed because, obviously, everything was done for the benefit of Trump and he was the only one not charged.

And just to follow up, just in case your news source stopped reporting, the DJIA finished yesterday down. It is still trending down today. You have to keep grains of salt in mind when reading disinformation from Limey.

JD Vance tried to get aboard Air Force Two yesterday because he wanted to discuss his ideas for governance with Harris. How gobsmackingly deluded to you have to be to think that you have the right to demand her time and attention whenever you want?

But beyond that, Harris wasn’t there at the time. Her motorcade arrived as Vance’s gaggle of handlers and Secret Service protection was gathered around the plane. Her Secret Service team saw it as a potential threat and did a sharp detour, waiting until the area was clear.

There is a time and a place for Harris to be challenged on her ideas for the future of this country: it’s Sept 10th on ABC.

Glad to hear her secret service was competent unlike Trump’s who nearly got him killed.

Ol’ jd heard there was quite the couch onboard and wanted to have a feel of it.

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