The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

I’m not assuming Trump will. But if you assume that the SCOTUS will suspend the U.S. Constitution to keep him in office, then the issue goes far beyond this particular ruling. That may happen, and 2029 may be the end of the United States of America as a country, but it won’t be because of this.

This is one of the stones in the path being built to that 2029 armageddon.

They just made Watergate legal. :man_shrugging:

“The closer the collapse of the Empire, the crazier its laws are." – Jar Jar Cicero

Also, by 2029, Trump will have replaced Thomas (75), Alito (74) and Roberts (69) with 40-something operatives who will do whatever he wants. He could spend the entirety of his term hounding Sotomayor (70) into retirement with unrelenting investigations by the DOJ, IRS and any other agency he can think of.

Imagine a world where 7 of the 9 Supreme Court Justices are Trump appointees who now have the ability to decide government policy (Chevron) and accept bribes (Snyder). You think in that world there is anything they would feel constrained from doing?

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Again…if it all burns to the ground, and it may well, it’s not because of this specific ruling.

Every fire starts with a single spark.

This SCOTUS is removing the fire alarms and sprinklers.

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What he said:

Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 11.52.11 AM


Someone’s going to have to explain to me why, if the president has full immunity from whatever kind of shit he does in office, why there’s a mechanism for impeachment.

The immunity is from criminal prosecution, where the stakes include incarceration. Impeachment’s highest punishment is removal from office.

The problem here is that McConnell and others acquitted Trump of his Jan 6 impeachment because he was subject to criminal prosecution, and now the Supreme Court that McConnell helped build has said “lol, no”.

[Insert Pointing Spider-Man meme here]

Limey is off of the rails today.

You seriously don’t see the potential for big problems here?

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I said Limey is off the rails. He’s pulling a hissy fit.

Team Trump has already told Judge Merchan that they plan to move to reverse his 34 felony convictions based on the SCOTUS ruling today.

Sentencing next week is now in a state of flux.

I guess it must be for someone legally capable of committing high crimes and misdemeanors, rather than regular old official acts.

They didn’t say he couldn’t be impeached, they just said he can’t be tried in the courts. As we’ve already seen, Congress can try to impeach for whatever reasons they feel like.

Team Trump made up a new concept that a president can be tried for crimes only if he has first been impeached and convicted in the Senate, which was/is complete nonsense.

But SCOTUS didn’t even go that far; they simply ruled that a president is immune for official acts period; regardless of what Congress does. They gave Trump more immunity than even he was asking for.

Exactly, Trump was impeached twice for absolutely nothing.

Rudy Giuliani has been disbarred by the NY state bar.

Also New York:

You hate to see it.

Little donny fuckface is now a king, just like he always wanted.