The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

“Black” jobs, post-birth abortions and so much more crazy. He admitted to being in contact with Putin and discussing international policy with him - a violation of the Logan Act.

CNN did fact check the whole thing, but only after everyone had turned off.

Trump dropped 30 demonstrable lies in about 30 mins of open mic time.

I’m starting to hate Biden with a red-hot passion, as well as the Party who shoves him down my throat. Pure fucking narcissism from Joe: I’m the only one who can save America from Trump.

I will still vote, but I bet there are a shitload of voters who woke up this morning and said fuck it, I’m not voting for either one.

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Unfortunately, this is not a surprise. Similar to Elon Musk allowing Twitter to become a haven for right-wing, MAGA supporters because he is like minded, CNN has people in charge with that same ideology. CNN may not be Fox News or Newsmax, but it’s not a neutral media outlet anymore.

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For those who need something to smile about after a couple of tough days: SCOTUS declined to take up Bannon’s appeal.

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Agree that there isn’t much to vote for, but trump sure delivers when i look for something to vote against.


The real reason SCOTUS criminalized being homeless.

Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 7.59.19 AM

It’s wealth transfer from taxpayers to the owners of private prisons.

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In a few minutes, SCOTUS will release its decision on whether Trump is King (10am EDT).

I’m thinking the “best” outcome is that SCOTUS defines the demarkation between official and unofficial acts, and sends it back to Judge Chatman to adjudicate which - if any - of Trump’s crimes were official acts? Such a ruling allows for a further round of hearings and appeals (and another months-long delay at SCOTUS), but it at least preserves some level of accountability.


Just like 2016, every time you look at Russians to see if they’re up to no good, something Trump is in the frame.

6-3, immunity only for official acts.

Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 9.30.37 AM

What this means is that there will not be a Jan 6 trial before the election, but Chutkan will now hold an evidentiary hearing where Jack Smith gets to lay out his case for the public to see. So, in the weeks running up to the election, this evidence is going to be headline news every day.

Apparently the rat-fuck in the details is that the Trump justices have stomped on the scale as far as what evidence can be used to adjudicate between official and unofficial acts. No official papers or statements by administration officials can be used in that decision-making. So the above evidentiary hearing will not include such evidence, which seems surgically designed to protect Trump’s electoral ambitions.

So, thinking about it, if Trump had told Mark Meadows to pay off Stormy Daniels, instead of Michael Cohen, there would be no way to break the presumption of immunity because any testimony involving Mark Meadows would be excluded from such a hearing.

Here’s what the presumption of immunity thing does: if Trump had just gone ahead and given Cohen the White House job he’d been dangling, he could walk into NY state court this morning and have his 34 felony convictions quashed.

It’s not going to help him with giving documents to the Russians after he left office.

This ruling means that - if he gets back in - he never has to leave. He can use the DOJ to steal the election and there is no way to try him.

As Sotomayor said in her blazing dissent, this decision creates a law-free zone around the president.

Think of it this way: if Biden ordered Seal Team Six to kill Trump, no one in the chain of command of that op, including the Seals themselves, can be used to provide evidence against Biden.

So how would you even start an investigation let alone win a conviction?

A President’s term is fixed. Neither Trump nor Biden can possibly be the President after noon, January 20, 2029, whether they hole up in the White House or not. They may do so, and the DOJ and the US military may decline to remove them, but that’s a different matter entirely. This ruling no would no longer apply to them.

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You’re making the very bold assumption that SCOTUS doesn’t rule that the two term limit applies only to contiguous terms.

Don’t forget, Russia had the same two term limit on the president when Putin first took office.

All hail King Joe!

These all seem like important issues for the populace to consider. If only we had someone to coherently use them to get elected.

Come one, man.

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Why do you presume that Trump will do the right thing over this when he has never done the right thing even once in his entire 76 years on this Earth?


Sotomayor’s closing:

Never in the history of our Republic has a President had reason to believe that he would be immune from criminal prosecution if he used the trappings of his office to violate the criminal law. Moving forward, however, all former Presidents will be cloaked in such immunity. If the occupant of that office misuses official power for personal gain, the criminal law … will not provide a backstop.

With fear for our democracy, I dissent.