The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Biden just sunk his campaign. I hope Democratic party leaders can convince him to step down. Jesus.

Yeah, I had to stop watching, as it was just unwatchable. But he needs to step down, tomorrow morning.

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What was this debate going to enlighten us about either candidate that we already didnā€™t know? Biden has the last four years in office to judge, and this is Trumpā€™s third consecutive time on the ballot.

A lot of people were in denial about Bidenā€™s cognitive ability and in denial that Biden is simply a puppet for Barry. Tonightā€™s debate should prove without a shadow of a doubt that he is not capable of running the country.

Biden beat Medicare! Way to go Joe!

Itā€™s as simple as eating the better shit sandwich at this point.

At least one of the shit sandwiches isnā€™t a rapist, a felon, a traitor, a sedionist, or orange makeup wearing, dead rat on his head, waste of skin.

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That has all been debunked.

Even Johnny Carson knew Biden is/was a fraud.

Actually none of it has beenā€¦other than the ā€œrat on headā€

Trump has never been convicted of rape. Thatā€™s just made up crap. John was just upset that Biden had such a terrible debate and felt the need to lash out. Heā€™s going to be even more upset when Trump wins in November.

Last nightā€™s debate:

I thought biden could collapse/die on national tv last night. I will vote for a zombie joe over any version of trump. But fuckā€¦i dont understand why the Democratic party isnt replacing him. He needs to step aside.


Fair enough.

Biden has been used as a puppet for Barry Soetoro. The only problem now is that Biden isnā€™t healthy enough to prop up and use anymore.


Trump was sharp and on his game last night. He was quick to point out Joeā€™s lies and Joeā€™s many mental lapses during the debate. He pointed out many problems caused by the Democrats. Trump earned himself many rational Democrat/Independent votes last night.

That was scary to watch.

Thereā€™s a serious problem when Kennedy is the candidate most in control of his faculties.


Kennedy has a hole in his brain and he is sharper than Biden.

CNN deserves to be raked over coals for a very long time for this.

The irony is that, if they helped Trump get elected, one of the first things he will do is come after them.

Meanwhile SCOTUS has finished SCOTUSing this morning, and still no immunity decision. That now has to be Monday as that is the last possible day for this session.

Today the court:

  • Overturned the Chevron doctrine, so good luck getting any of that ā€œimmaculate air and waterā€ Trump was blathering about last night;
  • Overturned the DC appeals court to take away some tools used to prosecute Jan 6 insurrectionists; and
  • Ruled that law enforcement can arrest and detain of homeless people just for being homeless.

All decisions were 6-3, in case you were wondering. This court is beyond out of control, and will give Trump immunity on Monday then run for their flag-waving boltholes.