The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Yeah, I buried the lede on my original post. The recording has him admitting to stealing confidential Pentagon files that detail an attack plan against Iran.

This was at Deadminster which, to our knowledge, has not (yet) been searched for documents by the Feds. It’s also where he hosted the Saudi-owned LIV golf tournament in 2022. It’s worth noting that Smith’s investigation has been looking into Trump’s dealings with foreign entities, the LIV golf tour in particular.

Lawyers on TV have explained that it’s not easy to get a search warrant. In order to do so, you have to be able to show that you reasonably believe a crime has been committed and you can demonstrate why you think evidence pertaining to such crime is in the place you want to search. It’s unlikely that they could pass the second test, before now…

Of course, the only reason we knew about the search of MAL is because Trump whined about it on his social media platform. It could be that Bedminster (and Trump Tower) have been searched too, we just don’t know, although it’s hard to imagine Trump not flapping his stupid little bird mouth about it.

If you thought that McCarthy had it tough before…

No joke about the congressman here; I wish he and his wife long and healthy lives.

But McCarthy’s razor thin majority just got a little thinner, and it may yet get even worse for him. The judge in the George Santos case has ordered the public release, by Friday, of the identities of the guarantors of Santos’ $500,000 bail. He may be losing another vote sooner that he thought.

When jokes become reality.

Ivanka’s pivot toward her husband’s family and away from her father’s brand is likely an attempt at her own social repositioning after losing brand deals and friends and moving out of New York to Miami following Trump’s term in office.

At least Jared’s dad isn’t a degenerate fuckstick. Eh? Oh.

Yeah I was wondering what the advantage would be for her.

To a film-flam artist, everything is a branding exercise.

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Worth a click for the giggles.


The human pretzels we’re going to see if this happens are going to be amazing.

I’ve just been finishing up my taxes as we Californians got some extra time this year. I noticed the ACA provisions and the thought occurred to me: “I’ve been on Obamacare for more than a decade and I haven’t seen a single Death Panel”.

I was absolutely guaranteed Death Panels by Fox News, Sarah Palin, Donald Trump and the entire Republican Party. After all these years, where are they?

It causes me to question their credibility.


The wifi in my FEMA Camp is a bit sketchy, I’ll respond when I can.


Ladies and Gentlemen, your President of the United States.

If Jill cares anything about her husband, she will make him step down and not run for President in 2024.

The more I think about this story, I’m entertaining a different take. First, let’s assume that this was leaked by Trump’s camp and not DOJ, which seems more likely IMO. Then, if Trump leaked it, the question is why would he leak something that undercuts most of the defenses his cult puts out regarding mishandling and obstruction.

I have always assumed that Trump would only hide these documents from a subpoena if they were valuable to him in some way. Otherwise, why accept the legal risks just to possess these documents. I’ve never bought the “he kept them to show them off” theory.

So, I assume the worst legal scenario for Trump is true, that he used National secrets for personal gain. Basic, desperate spy type activity. If that’s the case, then this leak favors Trump in that his cult will proclaim “see, here’s proof that he has the restraint to not let others see classified docs.”

In sum, I assume they know they are fucked regarding mishandling and obstruction and figure they might be able to overcome those convictions, but they don’t want him convicted or even seen as a grimy little treasonous spy as that would sink his limited prospects.

Yet Hunter Biden lived where “pedo” Joe Obiden kept some of his classified documents he stole. I’m sure those classified documents had nothing to do with the illegal money that they received from foreign countries.

You know, I dismiss your replies, cause they’re stupid, cause your mind is a brick wall and cause I figure you only represent the ~25% cult crowd that I frankly don’t give a shit about. Sure, I assume most cultists will rationalize all of Trump’s crimes away, either through stupid O’Biden whataboutism or even crazier shit, but I’m more interested in how sane Americans will see things, and I doubt they will entertain your stupid O’Biden theories, but they may well entertain facts brought in criminal trials.


I’m not disagreeing with the logic of your premise, but I do not think that logic really applies to what is going on with Team Trump. Reports are that the lawyers are all paranoid about one of them having been flipped and working as a double-agent for Smith. I doubt that they’re all sitting down for strategery sessions.

Also, prosecutor-types on TV tell me that leaks like this almost always come from witnesses which, in Trump World, inevitably includes his lawyers.

Your logic:

“Trump stole documents! Put him in jail!”

“Biden stole documents, even though Hunter and him profited off of them, he gave them back and he didn’t mean to take them. CNN told me so.”

Every time the Democrats try to frame Trump, it’s always “We’ve got him now.” They “had him for sure” with Russia collusion. That didn’t work out too well for the Democrats. It just exposed how weak and desperate they are to “get Trump” since they have failed to buy him off or kill him.

Brexit update:

Boris Johnson blundered into a crucial Brexit trade deal concession with Australia over a chaotic dinner with prime minister Scott Morrison at No 10, it was claimed today. He was bounced into signing a disastrous post-Brexit agreement after the Australians seized on a schoolboy howler over meat import quotas during negotiations.