The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

At a House committee hearing yesterday, Eva Brawny made a comment about Jasmine Crockett not being able to read through her fake eyelashes. The committee chairman - the cartoonishly incompetent Jamie Comer - made a ruling about not engaging in personal insults.

After this, Crockett asked Comer for a clarification. She asked if it would be inappropriate to reference another member’s “bleach blond, bad built, butch body”?

You come for the Queen, you’d better not miss.

Raskin cracking up is priceless.


Apparently, Trump is very upset that GOP congressmen are using their appearances at his trial to fundraise for their own campaigns.

Irony is dead.

As usual, you are running out of things to post so you just make something up. Maybe you should try to get a job so you don’t sit at home all day obsessing about Trump.

“He graduated MAGA yell loudly.” :rofl::rofl::rofl:

The MAGA conspiracy nut who tried to murder Paul Pelosi with a hammer has been sentenced to 30 years. This is in California, so there’s not chance of that fuck stick Abbott issuing a pardon.

We don’t coddle criminals in California.


I am still half waiting for the Alito flag story to be debunked. It won’t be - he has admitted it happened (thank God for the photo) - but it’s just crazy that we now have two completely compromised justices on the Supreme Court and seemingly no ability to do anything about it.

The excuse Alito gave, too, is deeply concerning. He said he was having a spat with a neighbor and his wife put up that flag to piss them off. That sounds like complete bollocks but, it is now being reported that it took so long for this story to come out because people in the neighborhood were afraid to speak out for fear of backlash.

What the fuck is going on?!

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An ongoing fascist coup, aided and abetted by the highest court in the land. We’re living in Weimar, and all we can do is vote and hope everyone else does too, especially women and young people.


Rudy posts this:

It was remove 30 minutes later because of this:
He should have stayed at the landscape place. Also, how does one’s ability at hide-and-seek affect someone else’s ability to count?

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The AZ AG post is an ice sculpture: Cold and beautiful.


Amen and absolution, bud.

He better start thinking of his fu-cha.

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Happy Birthday!

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OJ Simpson says hi.

Trump in Dallas last night, stumping for Democrats.

I like the first reply: “I’m Joe Biden and I approve this message”


Pretty sure I’ve said it before, but this election, barring some kind of catastrophic event, will be about abortion. Not whatever the magats what to distract you with. The dogs caught the car and they’re still trying to figure out what to do.

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Man who insults other people for only being able to speak publicly when supported by a teleprompter stands there with his dick in his hand for half a minute when his teleprompter glitches out.

Video in the link.

Conservative defenders of masculinity.

Yeah. Sure.

The scroll on that network: “Trump will demand a drug test from Biden before first debate.”

Biden should take him up. Have them both submit to independent doctors for blood tests (and weights while they’re at it).