The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Here are some facts for you. The FEC and SDNY refused the cases because there was no case. It’s very simple. Conspiracy theorists such as yourself will always find and cling to excuses when something doesn’t fit their agenda.

You do you, but this is the reason why I put him on ignore and happily carry on with my life.

If Trumpanzees could see reason, they wouldn’t be Trumpanzees.


Yet you still read what I post. What was the Astros score tonight, Limey? Or will your P-brain not allow you to watch the Astros and CNN both?

Just to put everything in perspective for everyone, Trump faces possible jail time for his accountant reporting legal expenses as “legal expenses”, which is legal.

CNN has scheduled a presidential debate for June 27th. Biden has confirmed his attendance, no word from the Cheeto-dusted villain as to whether he will attend.

Meanwhile, Biden has released a challenge to Trump to debate him. Biden says he’s ready any time, any place. He also said “I hear you’re free on Wednesdays.” That’s some Dark Brandon shit right there.


Hopefully the old demented sock puppet will be able to find his way to the stage. I’m sure his ear piece will have a fresh battery and they will have him doped up ready to debate Trump.

This doesn’t quite jibe with the article in the NYT I read this morning, which states that Carrot Demon has challenged Biden to debate him anytime / anywhere and that Biden has now formally spurned the debate commission (which I’m happy he’s doing) and has challenged Carrot Demon to two specific debates that will both be audienceless and with mics that are only active during response time and that will be well ahead of early voting.

I won’t be watching anyway (Carrot Demon causes me to despair) but I do entirely approve of this plan.

This is a good plan as long as it is moderated fairly. Talking over the old demented sock puppet hurt Trump last time. Letting the old demented sock puppet talk is the best thing Trump can do to gain votes.

Trump had already shunned commission debates. Apparently both have agreed to the CNN debate in June, which will be sans audience and the candidates’ mics will be cut when it’s not their turn to talk.

Biden has also accepted an ABC-hosted debate in September.

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It’s ok for you to say that you are wrong. I believe in you.

By the way, I did not call you an idiot. Just a conspiracy theorist.

Transcripts from yesterday’s court action are getting reviewed today. After Blanche opened his cross with a whinge about Cohen calling him a name, the judge took him to task; telling Blanche “it’s not about you.”

Team The People has said that Cohen will be their last witness - which means they do not see any clean-up (beyond re-direct) will be necessary once he is excused. Team Trump have said they have maybe one witness - an expert of some description. There seems to be some TrumpLandia claim that Cohen somehow edited the “No! No! No!” tape, so that may be it.

Given that Blanche seems to have nothing with which to go after Cohen, we could be having closing arguments early next week (no court on Friday this week) and the case handed to the jury before the week is over.

Pete Navarro tried again to get out of prison by having his sentence reduced.

Judge: “LOL, no.”

Maybe by that time they’ll tell us what crime Trump was supposed to have committed since the have not disclosed that in anything.

Repeat your chant for the 26th time. Maybe it will come true.

That’s the guy who said the U.S. was “airtight” from COVID.

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You would know. That is how the liberal media treats their brain dead followers.


Cohen returns to the stand today as, potentially, the last witness in this case.

Unless - having had over a year to prepare to cross-examine Cohen - Todd Blanche magicked something out of his ass in the last 24 hours, Cohen’s testimony will likely end today. Team The People may not even bother to re-direct, so limp has been Blanche’s questioning.

Team The People has said they will not be calling any witnesses after Cohen, so the floor will be turned over to Team Trump, who has said that they may not call any witnesses at all.

I mean, if you think about it, this makes sense: someone would have to take the stand to refute the prosecution’s evidence. Who would that be? Trump? Weisselberg? Giuliani (who appears to be missing currently)? Everyone else involved in this shit has testified for the prosecution.

If this is how it plays out, closing arguments will be set for Monday and the case could be in the hands of the jury on Tuesday.

Re: Giuliani

He’s on the run from both his crimes and his punishments.

Oh, and his well-paying radio show was cancelled. Like - they pulled the plug on him mid-show - cancelled.

The judge in the Moss/Freeman case is pissed off that Giuliani has made no effort to liquidate any assets or pay any creditors, while continuing to spend money like water.

Rudi appears to owe about $half-a-billion against assets of about $5 million. It’s still a little murky because he has failed to fully comply with financial disclosure orders. Unless he sees some positive action on Giuliani’s part, the judge could move to Ch. 7 his ass and force the liquidation of everything he owns.