The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Team Trump is is desperately trying to make Cohen out to be a Trump-hater, and he’s wearing it like a badge of honor. It’s fucking hilarious.

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That sure influenced the election in New York which is the state the crooked case is in. Trump lost by 20 percent in New York. Good thing they caught it or else he would have lost by 25 percent. SDNY and the Federal Election Commission both looked into this and both declined to pursue the case because Trump used his own money. He did not use campaign finance money. Reimbursing someone for a hush money payment does not fit the definition of a campaign contribution. There is a reason SDNY and the Federal Election Commission declined to pursue a case; there is no case.

Cohen’s gonna Cohen.

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But too much snark will hurt the prosecution in the long run.

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Cohen is really not doing himself or the prosecution any favors.

Mr Bell slowly looks up over his reading glasses.

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I love that these, as well as “orange turd” and a few others, are now part of the permanent court record.

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While Team Trump runs through Cohen’s greatest hits, Trump is passing out.

Brings me back to the theory that his brain is shutting down as a defense mechanism.

Once again, Cohen is not doing himself or the prosecution any favors. He’s showing to hate Trump and showing to be a liar. Not very convincing. But they knew they had no case going into this.

Oh by the way, Limey’s last post even mentioning the Astros was October 23, 2023. I guess when your brain is so occupied with lies and hate, you don’t have much time for Astros baseball.

Why are you so obsessed with Limey?

Doesn’t look like Team Trump has a plan.

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Just winging it - and face-planting - would be totally on brand.

I wouldn’t say obsessed. I have watched and followed every Astros game.

I’m simply pointing out how obsessed he is with Trump and how obsessed he is spreading false information. Limey spreads misinformation and outright lies daily.

Why are you obsessed with me?

They exposed Cohen’s lies and hate for Trump. Not a good look for Cohen when you are trying to get people to believe you.

Meanwhile Trump continues to expand on his lead in the polls. Rational people see through what the Democrats are trying to pull with these phony trials.

Without reading any of what he wrote, I can say without doubt that as a cultist, he is compelled to let no criticism go unanswered. It’s almost always just ad hominem, because intellectual substance is neither required, nor desired by the cult.

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Nor, typically, allowed.

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The FEC was deadlocked on the matter, due to votes from then-freshly-Trump-appointed Committee Members Sean Cooksey (fmr. Counsel to Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley) and Trey Trainor (who was general fucking counsel to the 2016 Republican National Committee)… votes that dumbfounded the remaining committee members, as Cooksey and Trainor provided zero justification or explanation for their votes, in the face of glaring evidentiary justification. But, sure, its the Democrats that are crooked.

The SDNY decline to pursue the case because they were squeamish about using Cohen as a witness, for various reasons.

And none of the findings hinged on whether Trump used his own money to reimburse Cohen.

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You and I see things differently. Respectfully, I think you are very wrong.

You know you read it, Texicommie.

I don’t know how you have made it as far in life as you have without a fully functioning brain.

I’m just recounting facts. There isn’t anything to disagree with.

All of the FEC memoranda is posted on their website. The memoranda I linked in my prior post is one of a few you should read.

The SDNY never published their justification for not pursuing charges (they would never do that anyway), but they certainly never claimed it was because they determined there was no criminal act. The only available insight is the former SDNY AUSA’s explanation after she left her post. Per her account, the SDNY resumed their investigation in 2021, but Cohen gave them too much heartburn due to his hijinks surrounding his 2018 plea deal and cooperation agreement.