The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Cohen is burying Trump with facts, amounts, dates etc., and the prosecution is backing it all up with hard documentary evidence,

Apparently Team Trump has barely raised an objection so far. My guess is that they’re leaving this all alone - because they’d be overruled and look like they had something to hide - and then they will go after Cohen for being a liar, convicted felon and “jilted” employee.

Good luck with that.

It. Was. All. About. The. Campaign.

Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 11.50.26 AM

Last thing before lunch, Cohen testifies to Trump trying to slow play Daniels’ settlement until after the election.

There are steaming piles of evidence already in the record in this case, and Cohen is tracing the open sewer running between them.

Cohen isn’t the first to put a nail in Trump’s coffin here, but he’s an enthusiastic member of the coffin-nailing party.

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Ha! Cohen said that he used the HELOC to fund the payment because that was set up for electronic statements being sent to him only, and he didn’t want his wife to see that amount of money leaving their other accounts and having to explain why.


This is not normal.

There are plenty of armchair diagnoses of the all-you-can-eat buffet of Trump mental disorders. I have seen it said that this falling asleep may not all be down to fatigue or boredom, but as a defense mechanism that his narcissism deploys to protect him from shit he doesn’t like. Mentally burying his head in the sand, which is a real thing for narcissists apparently, when confronted with an uncomfortable reality that cannot be avoided.

Trump has been trying to excuse his napping by starting each day with prolonged periods of listening with his eyes closed, creating the explanation that he really is just resting his eyes, but observers can tell the difference. The deliberate eye-closing always happens early in the session, while the sleeping comes later and is accompanied by his head slumping to one side and his jaw drooping.

[I was going to use Zaphod Beeblebrox’ sunglasses as a better analogy for Trump’s sleeping, but I thought that may too obscure even for this community]

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I’ve always assumed that the possibility of this is extraordinarily high, irrespective of where the jury is drawn. It doesn’t even really have to be a MAGA nut, it could just be an anti-government nut with a tenuous grasp on irony.

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Meanwhile, down the road from the Trump case:

Joo Janta 200 Super-Chromatic Peril Sensitive Sunglasses are obscure to those only familiar with the movie.

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We have a new record! 18 posts in a row by Limey. He’s completely off the rails today.

Now you are criticizing a fellow member just for posting, regardless of what he posts?

Who made you the site police?

Go away.

And yet here you are telling people what to do.

Wow that’s a relatively short post for you. It’s not 10 rambling paragraphs long. I’m just merely pointing out that Limey has lost his mind today. 18 posts in a row is sad.

You go away.

And yet, YOU, not Limey are the person people here don’t want to hear from.

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Nobody replied during his 18 comments in a row. When was the last time we have heard from Limey in a baseball related post?

It has been a while since Limey has given us an update on Truth Social stock. This would be why. It is up over $50 per share. It has been steadily going up, completely blowing the Democrat narrative.

This is what attracts Democrats to the old demented sock puppet. He tells them what they want to hear. Joe Biden has made a career out of lying.

Meanwhile the old demented sock puppet continues to make America look weak. His mental decline is sad to watch.

Dude is losing it. Claims MSNBC says there’s no case.

The case against Trump is classifying paying his lawyer as “legal expenses.” It’s a pretty weak one. The point of the case is to try to embarrass Trump and get Biden votes.

Speaker Mike Johnson is attending Trump’s trial today. Presumably this is PTO or some kind of flex day.

Also in attendance in the otherwise empty Trump family seats are North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and Florida Reps. Byron Donalds and Cory Mills.

Fun Fact: The prosecutor in Steve Bannon’s contempt case has petitioned the court to enforce his 4-month sentence now that the appeal has been denied. Bannon is going to have to take a shower for the first time in years.