The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Here is what Democrats voted for.

This story came and went last week.

I wonder if Barron pulled out when he found out that “delegate”, in this case, didn’t mean having people do his homework.

How the hell do you know what kind of student Baron is?

Tell us about old Joe’s road scholar student, Hunter.

Remember that tax audit that Trump was always pricking on about?

From today’s Guardiam:

Donald Trump on Saturday praised fictional serial killer Hannibal Lecter “as a wonderful man” before segueing into comments disparaging people who have immigrated into the US without permission.”

ETA: there’s a better description of the speech in the NYT, in which Mr. Trump appears to be using irony.

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He also claimed that every Democrat wanted Roe gone, and then praised himself for doing it.

Lord only knows what’s going on inside his head, but the circuits are definitely crossed up in there.

Do you think there are speechwriters intentionally sabotaging his speeches? How does anyone with some marbles not recognize Hannibal Lecter?

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Was going to ask his ethnicity but I think I already know.

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Just proving once again that the 2nd (and 4th) Amendment is only for white people.

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Court Update: Bob Menendez’ trial starts today. Weren’t expecting that, were you!

Trump Trial Update:

Judge Merchan is not allowing Team The People to introduce Weisselberg’s separation agreement into evidence. His absence will just be the elephant in the room that neither side mentions.

Sens Vance and Tuberville are in court today to polish their Veep bona fides, after Sen Voldemort was there on Friday. Eric is there too, to remind Trump the he is his son.

Lastly, Alina Habba is there too, which is news that Trump should hear after to toll of an ominous bell, given how many cases she has lost and how much money she has cost him so far.

“The prosecution calls Michael Cohen to the stand…”

Team The People not messing around. Already establishing that $420,000 is an exorbitant amount of money to pay Cohen for retainer, which is what Cohen billed it as.

Also, Trump didn’t pay Cohen’s employer, he stiffed them and hired Cohen.

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Team The People slathering Cohen with orange.

Cohen and Trump had synced contacts lists in their cell phones. Melania just threw some ketchup at the wall.

Keeping things confidential is one thing, untraceable is quite another.


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Agent Orange.

He wasn’t wrong.

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In case you wondered why the defense didn’t go hard at David Pecker:

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Now they just played the “No! No! No! Cash!” tape for the jury, as it relates to reimbursing Pecker for the McDougal payment.

They’ve spent the last 4 weeks building the case in support of Cohen’s testimony, and now…

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Team Trump has still yet to offer an alternative rationale for any of the evidence here. They are sticking with “everyone’s lying” while only really trying to impeach Stormy Daniels’ honesty (and presumably Cohen’s later this week). The problem they have is that this vast paper trail that comports with the witness testimony.

The only hope Trump has is that there’s a MAGA nut on the jury who can rat-fuck the verdict.

Just as an aside, one of the knocks against bitcoin is that it is used in criminal activity. I’m no fan of crypto, but you know what they used to use before it? Cash.

You know what else they use? LLCs.

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I understand the legitimate use of LLCs in the business world. What I don’t understand is how they are used to cover up crime - especially money laundering - and no one bats an eye.

And here is the firewall against Cohen being a crook and a liar (which he is):

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I suspect we’re going to hear this, or a version of it, repeatedly on cross examination.