The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread


How could there be anything wormier?

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Sorry, that’s a typo. I meant “Dean Wormer”.

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Trump’s gotta Trump.

Screenshot 2024-04-30 at 3.19.37 PM

Screenshot 2024-04-30 at 3.20.56 PM

Without going line-by-line, Keith Davidson is the second major witness to testify to this scheme being all about the election. He testified about the panicked scramble by Cohen to fund the payment to Daniels because otherwise she was going to go public before the election.

David Pecker has already testified to funding the purchase of the silence of McDougal and, separately, the douchebag doorman, but also how he (Pecker) balked at going into his own pocket again for the Daniels deal because, as he said, “I am not a bank!”

Cohen’s banker testified that Cohen formed an LLC, opened an account for it, took out home equity loan to fund the LCC and ordered a wire transfer of $130,000 to Davidson…all in the space of about 24 hours.

All of the Daniels stuff was happening in mid-to-late October 2016, which was about a week after the release of the Access Hollywood “pussy grabbing” tape.

By the time Cohen takes the stand, he is going to be a minor witness to fill in some blanks and further corroborate that this was all about the election.

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Holy shit, Cohen took out a home equity loan to pay Stormy Daniels to STFU about Trump’s toadstool dick until after the election, because Trump was trying to stiff her on the hush money payment.

So Cohen had to take out a loan on his house. Yeah I can see why he’s a little bitter.

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Yep. Trump was sitting there making everyone else run around like over-caffeinated ferrets, using their own money, to cover up his shit so that he could get elected president.

Cohen’s reward was to be prosecuted by Trump’s DOJ, convicted and sentenced to years in jail. Then after Cohen was released to home arrest during COVID, and Cohen announced that he was writing a book, Trump’s DOJ scooped him up and threw him back in prison for release condition violation, which was not true.

Bitter? I’d be buying tactical gear and a sniper rifle.

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The animal of comparison I might prefer to employ would be the weasel.

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Good call. Cohen may be more of a happy warrior these days, but he’s still a shitbag former long-term henchman for a grifter and wannabe gangster.

Nice marmot


Released to Covid house arrest … to the house you took a loan on for Trump!

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Maybe i don’t know nuthin about nuthin, but wouldn’t you think $130k would be pocket change to someone like Cohen, a person that exists in the personal orbit of a billionaire? I guess he also never got paid? “Sorry Mike, I put the invoice in thr envelope but forgot the check. Can you believe it lol ten months in a row?”

This is the best part: he did get paid back - as Giuliani stated to Hannity, to Hannity’s utter shock - and they did it in the most incriminating way possible.

It’s in a post above somewhere, but that was last week which means there’s a million posts between there and here. Cohen handed in his bank statement showing the $130,000 payment to Daniels, and Weisselberg wrote on it how they would pay him back double - to cover his income tax liability because they were dressing it up as a bill for services - plus a bonus.

As Team The People stated in the opening statement: “…and Allan Weisselberg wrote it all down.

It was basically game over at that point.



What Would Trump Do With His 2nd Term? The answer is: it’s fucking terrifying

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He would instruct his attorney general to go after the true criminals. I hope he wins and that there will be hell to pay for the Democrat Party for going after him.

Spoken like a true “Independent”

And… wouldn’t he then be “weaponizing the DoJ”? Or is that ok if it’s Don Snorelezone?

This is awesome.

Yes, much like OJ was searching for “the real killer”

I would say it is perfectly fine for him to weaponize the DOJ since Joey Fallsalot, Barry Soetoro and the gang can. Paybacks are a bitch.