The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

The majority of Republicans in the U.S. hate America and our Constitution and would welcome a conquering dictator, or a home-grown one. They wouldn’t care if Trump was subservient to Putin.

Let’s see, the Democrats run a guy for President who is owned by China and the Ukraine. In the process, they shred the constitution getting him elected.

Next, we have a guy who lived a very rich and free lifestyle on his golf course, did not “need” to run for President, donated his Presidential salary, all to put a stop to treasonous Democrats destroying America. Yet President Trump “hates” America.

You cannot fix stupid. And you, sir, are a full blown idiot.

Unsure about that, but …
I am sure a majority of Republicans do not believe minor children should be able to have sex change operations without notifying their parents, unlike you and the demented filth in your party.

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Nailed it.


Abbott is going to have to find another way to abuse and kill poor brown people.

The United States Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, has granted the Biden Administration’s request to vacate an injunction issued by the 5th Circuit in a case concerning razor-wires along the Texas/Mexico border. This decision will now clear a path forward for federal officials to remove all physical limitations to the border.

Previously, Texas Governor Greg Abbott instituted immigration policies that many decried as cruel and inhumane, as the policies included placing razor wire in the Rio Grande River along the border. As a result of the physical impediments, like the wire, there have been reports of migrants being injured – and even killed – as they attempt to cross into Texas.

Well I guess it will be down to killing them outright even if the Biden administration prosecutes them. You know it’s Abbot’s next step.


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Florida voters are going to figure in the con eventually, right,

Well, they are the dumbest people on the planet. I’m waiting for when he says to throw babies and puppies off the tops of downtown buildings and they all do it. Cause they will.

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It’s going to be a bit weird when the incumbent runs on the mantra “are you better off than you were 4 years ago?”

I guess there’s another idiot I need to block.



The quickest and best ways to piss a liberal off is to believe in God, love America, honor our flag, have guns, have a job, think for yourself, mention President Trump, believe in a safe and secure border, drive gas guzzling muscle cars and hot rods, support the military, support law enforcement, support being energy independent, don’t like smoking weed, and I could go on but I will stop there.

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Still much higher than when Trump was in office and the Democrats gave us Covid. You all would be lying if you said your bills and expenses weren’t higher than when Trump was in office. But Democrats do lie and that is perfectly normal.

It’s the same idiot, just a sock puppet.


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They’re like Abbott and Costello. Without the comedy.