The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

In case anyone cares, Krisp Krispie dropped out of the GOP primary this afternoon.

The only notable things from the “event” were:

  1. Caught on a hot mic before going on stage, he said that Haley isn’t up to the task and De Santis is “petrified”.

  2. He said to the audience that anyone who is unwilling to say that Trump is unfit for office…is unfit for office. So, by Christie’s own standard, of the people left running, only Biden is fit for office.

This is true. I would imagine it is quite small given the size of his hands.

Yes, or else you would have been in jail for many years.

So is paying someone to do something in an effort to influence an election. But that’s the side of the story that you’ll never hear in the liberal media. It is also the part that liberals do not want to hear.

Nothing to see here. I’m sure she wasn’t visiting Biden/Obama regarding President Trump.

I don’t know how the hell a group of people in Texas came up with the good sense to elect Jasmine Crockett, but I’m sure glad they did.


I visited the Trump White House in 2019. Then I had to get a tetanus shot.

What is the adage in this thread about the maga cult? Every accusation a confession?


That is what Democrats live by.

Moms for Liberating Shit from Target.

Today has been a day.

Every accusation confession is a confession.

Today is Closing Arguments Day in the NY business fraud trial of Donald Trump.

MAGA marked the day by calling in a bomb threat to Judge Engoran’s home.

You act like there’s a problem with a sitting President getting paid for performing services for China.


If President said that, our resident conspiracy theorist would be having an epileptic seizure.


Let’s ask Biden about profiting from foreign countries.

You all forget that the Trumps own many hotels. What did Hunter and “the big guy” do to earn their millions in foreign money?

If you can think it, it must be true.

ETA: I realized this may be less clear than it should be. I was just responding to the conspiracy theory tag. It must be great to believe everything that appeals to your worldview, no matter how nonsensical.

Self-enrichment? You’ve posted nothing of your heroes, the prosecution team in Georgia. Are they away on an embezzled vacation and unavailable for comment?

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Trump inserted himself - without the court’s permission - into the closing arguments.

Despite Justice Engoron’s attempt to maintain order and focus on the legal aspects, Trump continued to assert his innocence, despite already being held liable for fraud in the case. Admitting to a so-called “mistake” regarding the triplex, he hinted that the dollar amount in question might not be far off. He vehemently declared himself an innocent man, claiming to be a victim of political persecution and labeling the relevant statute as “vicious.” It was the same old whining we’ve come to expect from Trump.

He said all the stupid shit you’d expect him to say until Judge Engoron had had enough and told him to STFU. Trump stormed out of the courtroom thereafter.

Contempt charges incoming?

No. He did exactly what the court instructed him not to do because doing so is a winning strategy for him on multiple fronts and he likely realizes the court will not have the courage to hold him accountable for violating the court directive.


The really stupid part is he was speaking only to the in-person audience, saying nothing they hadn’t heard every day since this trial began, and in the process pissing off and insulting the one person who gets to put a number on his punishment.

That number is going to be verrrrry close to $370 million.

Yep. He’s hoping beyond hope that he gets a contempt charge and a guilty verdict. It’s all he has to campaign on, and he knows that the more serious the legal charges against him, the more votes he’ll get.