The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Here are the moments in question:

Trump also has a new birther target: Nikki Haley. I guess he’s not into the Punjabi. Not his type.

Trump promotes ‘totally baseless’ birther conspiracy theory against Nikki Haley (

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Have we ever seen Trump’s birth certificate?


Good for Hunter. Was a good move.


Him being there really seemed to mess with heads of the GOP fuckwits. Him walking out on MTG was clearly planned and executed flawlessly - the media bit on it like a trout.

“But why are the leopards eating my face?”

  • Nimarata Haley
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Or, perhaps more importantly, his Mum’s immigration papers.

Technically, he’s an anchor baby, as are all of his kids save Tiffany.


Not to mention the chain migration for Melania’s family.

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I want to see Obama’s real one.

Democrats paid her to claim she slept with President Trump. President Trump did not want the negativity so Cohen paid her off because that’s clearly what she wanted, money. He could have ignored and and denied it publicly, which is what he probably should have done. However, they felt paying her off (more than what she was paid by Democrats) so she wouldn’t spew lies was the best option.

If President Trump was a Democrat, you could understand this. But since he is not, this just went way over your head.

In the fantasy world you live in, does Bone Spur Donnie wear a cape and fight super villains?


Maybe it was to not disclose that he has a tiny wiener.

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If horse face had as many wieners sticking out of her as she’s had stuck in her, she’d be a damn porcupine. Democrats used her to try to “get Trump” since it would be semi believable to some narrow minded Democrats.

Did the check bounce?

She got paid to keep her mouth shut since Democrats paid her to spew garbage.

How’d that work out?

Not very well at all. But they had to know that going into it, dealing with a Democrat paid off attention seeking skank.

So why doesn’t Trump ask for his hush money back?

A fool’s errand, I know, but I don’t suppose you have any proof of that? Beyond your fevered Trump wet dreams?

Do you have any proof that Trump slept with horseface?