The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Tell us your thoughts on Hunter. Here are a few pictures to refresh your memory on this genius.


Gob and Buster

If you want to know how desperate the defense is getting over how badly Eric’s testimony is going, Kise just instigated an argument with the judge over, of all things, the judge’s law clerk. Engoron was furious at this but Kise kept poking the bear.

The prosecutor tried to interject because, as Black Widow would say, “this moron is giving me everything”. But Kise seemed hell-bent on extending the argument with the judge.

When Hunter gets a government job that yields $2 billion from the Saudis, we can talk. But we all know Hunter is/was an addict that had no ties with anything involving the government beyond Rudy’s masturbation fantasy of his laptop. I don’t doubt you get off on it too (you need a partner for viagra to be useful) since that’s all you post about.
Funny you never post any policy related items, or anything that suggests you muppets know anything about governing, only an endless parade of “I know you are but what am I?” memes. For the record, and you know this, Joe Biden has a speech impediment that causes a lot of his gaffes, but empathy isn’t part of y’all’s ideology, is it?


I’m guessing you and Limey have no partner or family since you both “get off” on President Trump.

So him getting lost on stage and having to be led around like a dog are caused by a speech impediment? Ok, got it. Biden has dementia.

Hunter earned money from Burisma and other foreign entities using his father’s name and influence for monetary gain. Who is “the big guy”?

I don’t see you posting anything about policies. It’s always Democrats this, Democrats that, Trump is mean and bad.

That’s not a government job. That was an investment, and President Trump, who defeated Obama in 2020, didn’t benefit.

For the record. Joe Biden denies this.

Ivanka’s appeal to avoid testifying next week - based in part on the fact that it’s a school day (I’m not kidding) - has already been denied.

Don’t overlook the spectre of Alvin Bragg looming over this case. His option to charge all this stuff criminally is still open. The more the Trump’s get their arse handed to them at this trial, the more likely criminal charges will be brought.

Limey, you are living in a fantasy land. The Trumps will not go to jail. You go to bed thinking about Trump, you wake up thinking about Trump and you think about Trump during the day. Do you dream about Trump too? That’s pretty sick.

Fuck me, Sec. Pete is so fucking good at this.

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The difference between the two parties in one short clip.

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Hopefully he gets a chance to run for President, he would be a great one.

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Eric is back on the stand this morning. Engoron starts the day by giving a dressing down to the defense over its ridiculous grandstanding over the judge consulting with his law clerk.

That shit saw out the end of the day yesterday, which was the intent. Eric was getting destroyed, and the prosecution was about to get into some really juicy stuff. I’m sure the defense wanted to get him off the stand so that they could regroup. That means there should be some really juicy stuff this morning…

The thing about the defense’s tactics is that they are not trying this case in front of the this judge. That is why there is no cross examination of the prosecution’s witnesses and why they don’t care about pissing him off. Engoron has already found against the Trumps and will likely throw the book at them when this trial is over.

They are going to wait to get this in front of the appellant court so, in fact, badgering this judge to the point where he is banging his desk in frustration is all on purpose. That’s why they suddenly brought up his law clerk last night, because they knew that was exactly the way to set him off.

Ahhh…here we go. Kise mentions a Washington Examiner article from October 3 that reports on campaign contributions made by member(s) of Engoron’s staff, and how a spokesperson for a Trump Super PAC think that it constitutes “election interference”. Kise uses this to float the prospect of motioning for a mistrial.

The prosecution says that the defense should put up or shut up, as they have a carcass to grill.

They get on with it, and move onto the subject that terrified the defense so much last night that they pulled the ripcord on the day.

There was a 2021 conference call in which Eric participated that discussed valuations of properties in Eric’s portfolio. Eric doesn’t recall the call. But this isn’t just more of the same from yesterday, this call was after Eric was aware that the valuations of properties in his portfolio was the subject of an investigation. This one.

The point here being - in addition to the mounting credibility issues of the witness - is that Eric didn’t change anything about how the valuations were just plucked out of thin air. He didn’t become more concerned as to how they were justified. He just plowed on regardless, accuracy be damned.

It suggests this was all no accident (du-uh). If Eric had been relying solely on the word of the appraisers and accountants, when he found out that he was under investigation he should have questioned them about it. That certainly would have been memorable, especially as it was only two years ago.

But he didn’t. He just had a call that he doesn’t remember and signed the papers like normal.

When Trump lost the election and retreated back to Mar a Lago, they considered filing for a homestead exemption on it. The prosecution walks Eric through the email chain where they discuss the pros and cons, notable amongst them being that it’s currently a business owned by the Trump Org.

To get a homestead exemption, it would have to be converted to the personal ownership of Trump. There were too many pitfalls to this to justify the $50k savings it would yield, so they decided against it.

Q: So it wasn’t a personal residence?
A: No.

Q: Would it have been more valuable as a personal residence?
A: Yes.

[Prosecutor slaps down receipt]

Q: So why did you certify to Deutsche Bank in 2021 that it was?
A: “It is very clear that Mar a Lago is a private residence, not a club.” [Actual answer]

Q: Did you understand it was assessed for tax purposes as a club when you signed those certifications?
A: “Yes, Mar a Lago is a private club.” [Actual answer]

[Ketchup eruption in three…two…]

Eric’s testimony ended with him jumping heroically on the grenade that is Weisselberg’s severance agreement. Eric signed it and claimed it all as his own work, despite earlier distancing himself from Weisselberg saying that he started at the Trump Org 10 years before Eric was born.

When asked specifically if Trump Sr. had been involved in this, Eric stated emphatically “no” and that he alone did it. There was no cross examination.


No more court action today. Next up, Don Sr. at 10am (EST) on Monday.

Is that the Breitbart piece that has the anonymous Twitter source that is dedicated to “apply the 69th Amendment to the U.S.”? That’s the kind of stuff that’s really going to make the Appellate Court take notice!

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Exactly that. Apparently there were chuckles around the courtroom when Kise cited his source.

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Meanwhile, in the stollen (sic) documents case, earlier this week Team Trump filed a motion with Judge Cannon to delay the trial (conveniently until after the election) because there is no way they can prepare for this trial with the DC case happening in March.

Later that same day, Team Trump filed a motion in the DC case, asking for it to be delayed (conveniently until after the election).

Shortly thereafter, Team Smith filed a brief with Judge Cannon, pointing out the above and calling shenanigans. They urged the judge not to be moved by this nonsense. I’m sure they’re wasting their breath, but it was fun seeing it.

The real lesson here - that Team Trump seem to be incapable of learning - is that having Cannon move the documents trial around at their whim simply opens up flexibility in the timetables for all the other trials, and neuters their ability to pull the same shit in those cases. This case is going to end up being tried last, after Trump has been found guilty of dozens and dozens of felonies in other prosecutions.

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