The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Team Trump argued today to quash Ivanka’s subpoena to testify in the NYAG’s civil case. They argued, amongst other bits of chaff they threw out, that:

  1. She is only being called to make a spectacle of one of Trump’s “children”
  2. She doesn’t even live in New York
  3. They should have deposed her before now

Judge Engoron, after consulting with his law clerk, denied Team Trump’s motion.

I mean:

  1. She’s a 40+ year old woman with a family and a job. A job like being an executive of the Trump Org and simultaneously a full-time, tax-payer salaried senior advisor to the President of the United States. No need to call CPS here. Also, Hunter Biden anyone?
  2. So fucking what?
  3. Team Trump blocked her deposition previously while they had her removed as a defendant from this case. Classic Trumpy “it’s too early, now it’s too late” nonsense.

Anyway, grab some popcorn because Vanky’s going under oath (not today, though).

If you thought Mike Johnson was creepy before…

He’s in a “covenant marriage” with his totally non-Stepford wife, which is a marriage that “may not be dissolved, rescinded, or otherwise terminated by the mutual consent of the spouses.

Originally published May 27, 2014 and continuously updated.


I had this discussion with someone yesterday who insisted that covenant marriages, which are a legal thing, should be available in all states. I suggested that they were…if two people want to have that agreement between them, they are free to make that agreement. The other person argued that it’s only meaningful to be faithful if enforced by law. I responded “if the only reason you’re faithful to your spouse is because of threat of the government, it’s not the moral flex you think it is.”


The Kremlin is very happy with the “American Mutawa”.

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Jenna Ellis - a resident and licensed lawyer in the state of Colorado - is being investigated by the state of Colorado following her guilty plea in Georgia. #ETTD

Speaking of Colorado, Trump’s latest efforts to derail the lawsuit seeking to have him removed from the 2024 ballot have been denied. #ETTD…even Trump.

It’s along the same lines of Christians accusing atheists of having no moral compass because they do not follow the teachings of Christ. Funny thing, it’s actually the complete opposite. Atheists do not believe in eternal damnation for “sinning”, and so do the right thing because it’s the right thing, not because they fear some horrific, endless punishment to be visited on their immortal soul.

Conversely, if some atheists commit crimes or are generally bad people, it’s because those people are criminals and/or bad. It’s not because they were tempted into doing it by the debbel.


“I shouted out, ‘WHO KILLED THE KENNEDYS’, when after all it was you and me”…


I didn’t know Mick and Keith were in the CIA…

Dem Dean Philips throws hit hat into the 2024 election ring

Better gun control measures are not something I’m willing to stop fighting for. It’s too damn important for everyone’s safety. My eight-year-old daughter will continue to be homeschooled by my wife and I until I feel schools are safe from gun violence. Considering the current rate of mass shootings in America relative to the rest of the world, I’m not optimistic that happens before she graduates high school.

Every time I hear a story like what happened in Lewiston, Maine this week, I’m outraged. It’s also infuriating that the founding fathers original intent behind the Second Amendment has been twisted to justify everyone in America having the right to own a gun for personal protection.


The personal protection argument goes out the window with an assault rifle.

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Scheduled dates for testimony in the NYAG civil case:
Nov 1: Don Jr
Nov 2: Eric
Nov 3: Ivanka
Nov 6: Donald

Zombies. You forgot about zombies.


When he threw his hat did it get hung up on his nose?

He shares a financier with Clarence Thomas. What a coincidence!


So is Joe Biden not knowing anything about his son’s foreign dealings.

I was literally going to make a joke about how long it would be before we found out he was financed by the Koch brother.

Powell claims that her confession was extorted and continues to push election nonsense. How this is not a violation of her plea agreement?

She obviously thinks she’s more clever than the prosecution. Fuck around and find out.