The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

I’m guessing he’s mad someone once had the audacity to tell a HS class the civil war was in fact over slavery.

Ask and Ye shall receive.

Trump fell into a bunch of indictments.

You know most of Confederate soldiers fighting didn’t have slaves. Sad thing is we had slavery. No one is less than.

Lost in the tsunami of mugshots of Trump and his co-defendants, here is Joe Biden’s mugshot:


Most German soldiers didn’t own concentration camps, FYI.


I had great friends in NJ. Polish resistance. Found each other later. You are clueless

Slavery and states rights. Signed, someone who once upon a time taught both 8th grade and 11th grade U.S. History.

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This is no interest in Joe or hunter. If you all one-sided and agree As long as you are ok, them it is ok. What a world we live in.

Learning about actual events in history is not teaching hate. It’s called learning from past transgressions so they are never repeated. For example, many Americans blind loyalty to Donald Trump since 2016 is eerily similar to how Hitler rose to power in Germany, and Stalin and Mussolini in Russia and Italy, respectively. Which is one of many reasons what’s currently happening with Trump should scare all Americans.

I guess we shouldn’t teach people about the Holocaust, either. We don’t just get to ignore the parts of history we don’t like.

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So Polish resistance fighters fighting Nazis are the same as Confederate soldiers who didn’t own slaves?

This all has to be performance art


The dashboards are real nice, but the sign language off to the right is truly incredible–way more expressive than you’d imagine for a discussion of infrastructure investment.

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Each belief or argument is a discrete item.

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I’d bet dollars to donuts that he “herd” it.


Guys the new Air Biden Nikes are in! Get them while they last.


Many of us don’t see it that way.

I’m a former high school and junior high history teacher that taught at both private and public schools in the past 15 years. At no point, was I instructed to brainwash, indoctrinate or teach hate to my students. I was expected to teach them about important historical events such as the Civil Rights Movement, World War I, World War II, the Holocaust, the fight for women to get the right to vote, etc. as defined by the curriculum established by TEA.

Here’s a quote that I wish you would seriously ponder: “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” - Winston Churchill