Texans 2024

I guess they liked it. She didn’t come out of the tunnel the first 10 minutes. Then it was a fucking disorganized fire drill of utter incomprehensible nonsense. The stadium reeks of marijuana, so I assume they loved it.

I didn’t see it but most the comments I saw were positive, like from Julia.

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Another thing I love about these inbreds is that they invariably take Mixon out of the game on third down.

This was a meaningless game for the Texans, right?

Why did he even start?

The Texans absolutely did not want to win this game. They want Pittsburgh in the Wild Card round, not the Ravens. But good grief, they could have at least tried to make it look legit today.

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So update on Beyoncé…I watched her show from the TV and it was 1,000 gazillion times better. She sang “Blackbird” and “Jolene”, which live you could not hear at all. You would have never known what songs they were, vocals were non existent, it was just a window-rattling rumble for 20 minutes. There was also tattoo-face guy, who I recognized, though I don’t know his name or what he “sings”. Again, live you would have had no idea. It was obviously made for TV, not the live audience, so I hope the people who paid thousands of dollars for tickets got their money’s worth. I can tell my grand nieces that I’ve seen Beyoncé live.

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i think that’s Jelly Malone.

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Tailgating has come a long way since 1994

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Nice opening drive, and fuck the Adam’s trolling.

Great drive. Now get Stroud the fuck out of the game.


Finally a smart move. Mills in.

Tunsil getting into Playoff false start form.

Knock on wood, but the revamped O line looks better than the usual crap.

Well, it’s the Titans, so let’s not start licking lollipops yet. But yeah, better than it has been.

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Tunsil with another false start. Maybe he’s going for the record.

Yeah, and Tunsil’s shit isn’t revamped one bit.

The punting game is still a train wreck too.

Dude is a great ballhawk.

Popup Tunsil


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