Super Bowl

I really feel like the women performers do a better job at these halftime shows.

I’d like to see Lizzo. I bet that would be a fun show.

And KC might want to consider stop committing penalties.

“Super Bowl Halftime”, directed by J.J. Abrams.

If this is the weekend then I can’t wait for Monday.


I’d rather watch Up With People.

H.E.R. sang America the Beautiful before the National Anthem was sung by some country somebody, never heard of H.E.R, but she was quite good. Should have given her the halftime show.

My 16 year old daughter was able to get me up to speed.

Man, me too. I was way into that when I was a kid.

I wonder if Ty’s lurking around in the parking lot of a sushi joint somewhere.

I haven’t seen Ty in a while. Hope he’s well and drinking a few beers somewhere.


Fire the cannons!!!

All I’m thinking is stupid Rays

Or Patriots

Tampa Bay’s defense played an amazing game. The line put pressure on Mahomes all night, the linebackers shut down the run game and the DBs locked down the receivers.


The defense was fantastic. If you had told me before the game they’d hold that Chief’s offense to three field goals I would have thought you were nuts.

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Just got a text from Ty. He was at the game. He’s probably drinking somewhere now.


Good to know, thanks.

I wonder what sort of head gear he wears these days since the double tailed Davy Crockett coonskin with horns has been coopted by antisocial elements.

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Pretty much…

Well, the Bucs were working from home…


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SBLV Log 2/7/21

Signed up months ago to drive for the NFL Network during SB week as a fun, different thing to do and make a little cash. Little did I know the Bucs would plow through the NFC like a butter knife in the playoffs for a SB home game and give me the ultimate dilemma/opportunity.

I had resigned myself that I would not be able to ‘watch’ the game but it turns out that drivers have a huge chunk of downtime on game day…DURING THE GAME! We were staged right outside the Media compound with credentials that have stadium access and no need to be at our cars until 30 minutes after the game.

If it weren’t for my supervisor telling me that it was cool to go in, I would’ve just sat in my car watching on my phone. Instead, I had a nice, front-row upper deck standing view of the game. My guilt had me leaving to my car at halftime but I saw all of the pregame and the Bucs build what turned out to be an insurmountable first-half lead. It was fantastic!

As a Bucs fan, I’ve seen some really shitty football for a decade or so, along with some really screwy ownership and FO decisions but I love football and the Bucs so I stick with it. Game day is a blast - win or lose - and I’ve been taught over 30 years of fandom and 15 years of seat membership that it pays off eventually, at least with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. I hope that everyone gets that payoff one day.


They were not going to let Mahomes hit his stud receivers deep. They let him run all over the field but no way was he going to burn the secondary. With the pressure up front, that turned out to be a winning strategy.