Is that Mrs. Mahomes next to Taylor?
I believe that is Mrs Reynolds.
Blake Lively
Ah…she’s definitely higher on the list than Taylor, who is a perfectly attractive lady who I’m not that attracted to.
Mrs. Mahomes on the other hand, is one of the poster-women for “personality matters”, a whole lot.
Having to throw people out of my bed has always been such a huge nuisance for me.
One should draw the line at eating sandwiches and watching TV while having sex in bed.
What if it’s pastrami?
I actually quite enjoy that. Peanut butter and jelly with an Astros game on is my favorite.
This never fails to make me giggle!
Mmm, good cracker.
Shooting incident at the Chiefs parade. Fuck me.
Mmm, bad cracker.
49ers have fired their DC
Hopefully just up in the air
A list of places you can go in America and be free from the dangers of gun violence:
That is all.
I have ideas and places.
If the zombies ever show up give me a call.
10 shot. 1 dead, 3 critically wounded.
2 armed individuals in custody.