Spring Training 2024

April Fools Day comes early, hoping for better batting order placement. Alvarez at 2 isn’t it

Listening to an interview with Bregman about his offseason.

More rotational core work in gym.
Great to have a full offseason to work on his swing after injuries in last 4 off seasons.
Snitker had him using weighted bats to work on his bat speed.
Had his hardest hit ball ever in the cage - very happy with adjustments.
More approach oriented than results oriented. Keep the right plate discipline, hit the ball hard, good things will happen. Goal of hitting 8 of 10 balls hard.
Relationship with Snitker “like brothers”. Snitker told him to keep his focus on this year and not on the free agency.
Has an understanding with Crane that Boras will handle the contract, Bregman staying out of it.
On ALCS: “We got outplayed. We have to get better.”
Did not believe reports that we got Hader. Whole gym went crazy.
Espada is the same guy as manager that he was as bench coach. Super hard worker.


Step 1 in “Machete’s not here anymore”

That would be great because Uncle Mike has the sweetest swing and he can hit like a mo-fo.


Hello, Troy.

I don’t know Troy, but he has a picture of a smoked old fashioned as his profile pic. That’s bringing it strong.



I would have assumed smoked fish

MLB.com thinks Melton is headed back to AAA to work from the mound:

March 3: Astros reassign seven players to Minor League camp*
Houston made a sizeable reduction to its big league camp roster, assigning infielders Zach Dezenzo and Will Wagner, left-handed pitcher Colton Gordon, right-handed pitchers Rhett Kouba, A.J. Blubaugh and Jacob Melton, and catcher Miguel Palma to the Minor League side.*

Well, that will certainly increase his versatility. Ohtani’s got nothing on him.

I did see where Brendan McKay was making his comeback from TJ. Once upon a time he had a little two way player in him.

SIAP but the Athletic had an article about Dezenzo and Wagner. The author speculated that the Astros will let Bregman walk (no surprise there) and promote which of those dudes that comes out on top in the minors this season.

If they have to choose, I would rather have them try to lock up Tucker than Bregman.

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They have a couple of more years to work on Tucker, but I agree that if it came down to the one or the other, you keep Tucker. I hope it doesn’t come to that, but Tucker is the more valuable player.

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Espada announces that JV will start the season on the IL.

So does that mean 15 days at a minimum?

Today’s lineup looks like Espada’s preferred OD lineup:

That is formidable. Especially if Peña’s swing changes work.

Not sure of the IL rules in this case but he was 2 weeks late to camp so that would make sense. Hopefully not too much longer.

I wasn’t sure whether the clock could start during ST or if it starts on opening day.