Sea Hags at Astros, 8/19/23

I don’t know who got manhandled more today, the Texans or the Astros.

You went to a Texans preseason game?

I’m married to an Aggie. I’m lucky she doesn’t drag me to practice. Practice.

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Uh, hello woman-wearing-a-negligee-under-an-open-jersey.

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Julks with a rule book double

Pictures or it didn’t happen.

That’s all i need, to go public.

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Well, so far they’ve managed the same offensive output. Neck and neck you might say.

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The words ‘pretty’ or ‘attractive’ were not in that sentence.

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This is a current thing (Seinfeld predicted it), but wearing what would reasonably be considered lingerie as a top in public has become totally acceptable

Yoga pants are just thick pantyhose.

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There was a smokin hot Cubana two rows in front of me today. She was wearing a white tennis skirt and a cropped Dolphins T-shirt. Holy sweet cherry pie. How am I supposed to watch the game.


Stroud showed promise. Anderson looks like a beast.

Can’t say either about anybody for the Stros tonight

And we’re out of our misery.

10-3 is your final


If you’d ever seen Hudson’s pregame spread you’d know that you need some preseason to work into proper tailgating form. You can’t just go a hog roastin week one if you come in cold. Let’s apply some common sense around here.

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Yeah, have to disagree with you on Stroud. He was awful the first series, not terrible the second. I suppose that’s a step up from last week, but he is so far from being ready to start in this league it’s not even funny.

And Altuve hit the ball well tonight. That’s good to see.

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On the bright side:
Arlington lost
Altuve continues to hit well
There’ll be plenty of free time to enjoy October evenings


When the temperature plunges down into the 90s?

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