Science & Engineering Shit

And the tires aren’t bad either.


I will say this…I have changed tractor tires by hand…not just swapping out one tire on a rim for another, but removing the rim, removing the tire from the rim, replacing the tire on the rim, then re-installing the entire thing on tractor. By hand. Using a sledge hammer and tire spoons. That will wear your happy ass out.

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Well played, Mark.
An early birthday present for ya. :rofl:

You lob 'em down the middle, I hit 'em over the fence.


Crystal clear night here in Houston to see the planet alignment. Venus, Jupiter and Mars…can’t miss ‘em. I can’t see Saturn or Mercury as my neighbor’s house is in the way, and you need a telescope to see Uranus and Neptune. I miss having a telescope sometimes. At any rate, this won’t happen again for 400 years, so go outside and take a peak.

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I like this channel.


Buzz Aldrin, watching the FireFly lunar lander. Check out Dr. Aldrin’s t-shirt, which is excellent, and his PJ bottoms.


That’s was a fun and interesting video to watch.
Thanks for posting that.


Seeking assistance in finding the right glue. I have a small camper trailer with a broken plastic roof vent cover. I had previously used JB Weld for plastic and it worked good for three months. I’m considering a new glue (perhaps along with some improvised reinforcement panel glued to both sides). Any suggestions regarding a proper glue would be most welcome.

My ranch-helper cousin is an RV aficionado and he does all the repairs to his rig. I’ll call him and ask.

eta: is the plastic chingasa cracked? Can you just replace it?

eta2: a picture might help the diagnosis

eta3: “Geocel ProFlex RV Sealant”

years and years ago we lived in the UK. My job was in Crawley and my boss lived in a town nearby called Haywards Heath. His local was called the Duck, sat high on a hill. If anyone ever needed anything, you talked to Tony who talked to his mates at the Duck and said need was provided. A good example of this is when we needed a second car. Tony said there’s one up at the Duck, I’ll get you the keys. So for about a year I drove this car having no idea who really owned it and when we moved away I took the car back to the Duck, parked it and gave the keys to the guy behind the bar. I, and others, thought the Duck was the center of the universe. I believe OWA is the US online version of the Duck.


“The Duck of Death”


“Duck I says”


It appears the noble Duck has ceased trading. I pity the poor chap in need of DIY information or transportation services in the greater Cawley - Haywards Heath area.

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Plus, there’s no place to stop if you’re parched on the way to Wivelsfield.

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That is a major concern. I fear that a fellow may very well find himself in the unenviable situation of having to travel all the way to Plumpton Green.

My friend is sitting on the ground in Miami because of a hold caused by another Starship disintegration.


Damn Romulans

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Is it wrong to wish on space hardware?

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It’s okay as long as it’s a satellite of love.