Science & Engineering Shit

My wife’s GMC Acadia is a bulletproof tank. Only the slightest of cosmetic dings (many of them) even though she drives like most people play bumper cars.

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We have a 2013 Escape (not quite the truck y’all’re talking about) but we feel the same; when this one gives up the ghost, we’re going with a sedan, preferable a hybrid. Hoping the ol’Escape lasts 2 or 3 more years though.

On a side note…AT&T is back up and running.

Oddly enough, my phone and LTE iPad were fine all day but other people on my plan weren’t.

It’s good to be the king.

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So I got a message from AT&T apologizing for the outage this week, and letting me know I’m getting a credit on my bill. I’m sure that’s just how the takeover was planned.

Well fuck, I got the apology text but it didn’t say anything about any credit.

They said I’m getting $5. Which isn’t bad for a 6-hour outage from 5:00 am to 11:00 am.

I got the apology but no credit. I also did not have an outage.

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Same here.

Seeing these two things on the same day is scary:



(War Games!!!)

Interesting work going on in SE Asia to restore coral reefs. Following the collapse of many reefs due to the abomination of blast fishing, non-profits have devised a process to re-anchor seed corals to the devastated areas and are seeing restoration in 4+ years. They are branching out to tangential locations impacted by reef bleaching events brought on by the hyper-warm waters generated by anthropogenic warming.

Here’s the academic paper:
Fun Read

And, here’s an easy-to-digest site detailing the work by the NGO:
Easy Read


Baltimore Key Bridge collapse

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Something here is very wrong. Cargo ships don’t just run into pillars.

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It’s hard to see how that was an accident or even a monumental incompetent fuck-up.

Sadly, yes. They do.

Something that size could’ve been on track to hit the bridge from some distance away and unable to avoid it.

The “black box” will tell us. If the captain/pilot said “fuck”, it was an accident; if they said “shit” it was a fuck up.

Indeed they do. I remember this one well:

MAR8103.pdf (