Jupiter viewed from its South Pole looks like Grandma’s dinner plate.
So Jupiter is flat, just like the earth, checkmate atheists!
Just don’t mess with Europa
Atmospheric refraction and magnetic declination and shit. Scoreboard, bitches!
Watched that the other day, it’s a great sequel
The novel is actually set around Saturn
Jupiter…Saturn…what’s the difference? The stars are just pinholes in the curtain of night.
Nothing can escape a black hole, not even light.
Except perhaps Matthew McConnaughey.
In space, no one can hear you scream “MUUUUURRRRPH!!!”
There can be only one.
This is how science works. When new facts are discovered that disprove things previously believed to be facts, such prior facts are overwritten by new knowledge.
Only for woke libtards! REAL 'Muricans stick to their guns no matter what!!!
Flip flopper!
Pluto IS a planet, dammit.
NASA’s Mars helicopter finds other-worldly wreckage.
By “other-wordly”, I mean shit we sent up there and decided that it was ok to litter Mars with.
64 years…and it’s still cleaner than Boca Chica
This answer to this is pretty straightforward, but the production quality on this guy’s videos deserve clicks.
The people who think the moon is “upside” down are the same ones who wonder why people in Australia don’t fall off the earth. In other words “the best people”.