Science & Engineering Shit

Either of the Dakotas.

Hope they don’t need fresh water

Drill horizontally under Canada. Fresh water will run downhill.

See! There’s an easy fix for everything.

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Because SpaceX hasn’t fucked up Boca Chica enough…

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Can’t we just strap Elon to one of his rockets and be free of him?

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I doubt it would be Elon’s first strap on experience.


Zing! You’ve spent way too much time around Limey.


200,000 gallons per day! That’s a lot of shittin’ and pissin’.

Elon the genius decided to build an entire new city without considering how to get rid of all the waste it would produce. Perfectly on brand.

Has he never played Sim City? I don’t recall there being an option to petition the state to allow you to obliterate a nature reserve.

I fully expect the TCEQ to greenlight this, being the industry-shill rubber-stamp “regulators” that they are.

There are responsible things you can do with treated effluent (like irrigating hay fields and grasslands)…dumping it in rivers, streams and bays is not one of them.


Yeah, this is just SOP in Texas. Developers with influence always get their permits.

Seattle was founded the same way, because its settlers were from Iowa and Nebraska and therefore weren’t familiar with the tides.

Because sea urchins shy away from light, they will pick up shells and the like and “wear” them like a hat. So people have started 3-D printing hats and placing them in aquariums for sea urchins to find.

Very jaunty they look too.




Venus was at its peak brilliance last night. You probably thought you saw something up in the sky other than Venus, but I assure you, it was Venus.

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How do the gods keep all of those flat discs aligned so that we can see them?

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It’s your fire and your desire


There once was a woman from Venus, Whose body was shaped like a penis, She met a gay pair, Who said with a flair, “I imagine she might come between us.”

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Since earth is the center of the universe all objects face it.
