I dunno about this one, but he did it late in a game, down 1, a couple of weeks ago
Neris on the bump.
Plawecki Ks swinging
He was not running, but he probably would have been out at second even if he were.
Duran 4-3.
Nifty snag by Altuve
Neris ends the inning with another 3 pitch K.
Mid 8 chasing a run.
God dammit!! These motherfuckers need to quit fucking around. I’ve been working my ass off outside and getting shit done. WTF Toronto put up 26 against these slapdicks. Come on man, I don’t want my work to be in vain. Score some mother fucking runs!!!
Thank you for your service.
And drink some water.
Lefty Davis faces Alvarez.
Yordan doubles off the bullpen wall in left.
Yordan murdered Boston in the playoffs last year on the same trajectory.
Bregman 3-1, takes a slider 3-2, fouls a FB, walks.
If Tucker doesn’t at least move these guys over, I’m going to be pissed.
I’m pissed.
Tucker quickly 0-2 after fouling sliders, takes a ball 1-2, takes a FB just outside 2-2, Ks swinging at a neck high FB.
He looked terrible on his first 2 swings.
And he finished terrible.
Damn at’em ball.
Houck pitching.
Diaz lines out to left.
A leadoff double in danger of being wasted…
Tucker was walking to the dugout as soon as he pulled the trigger.
Peña F8.
And the tying run never budges off second.
To the 9th.
I was telling Dusty to let Tucker bunt 'em over, he didn’t hear me