Castro, pinch hitting for Maldonado…bases juiced, one out…
I am still thinking squeeze
I almost want to see him bunt here.
I’m thinking a base on balls off.
I’m thinking he should have swung at either of those two pitches.
Castro fighting off some tough pitches there.
Sphinx called it.
Magic number of one!
Man, we needed that one!
Walk the walk off to the walk to walk it off.
Castro is money.
Holy shit this is like the playoffs already. Can’t breathe.
Castro…bases loaded…infield in…1-2…2-2…foul…foul…foul…ball four!
Astros win!
Wow, two really tough, really great at bats there from Chas and Castro
Ball three was a ballsy take. Castro knows how to manage an AB.
2 of them! Without a ball hit out of the infield
Had it all the way.
Never in doubt
Looks like Chaz went ahead and sent you a big ol’ FU after dogging on his outside pitch coverage earlier.