Pimply Misshapen Asses @ Astros - 16 Jun 23

Dubon…two on, one out…pops out

Up to Altuve…

Altuve…2-0…takes strike one at the shoulders…takes strike two down the middle…flies out.

No score


Cesar Cedeno!

The offensive woes are top of mind right now, but France has done a fine job tonight.

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Bregman has the talent to be a .320 hitter, he has the approach of a .240 hitter

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Tucker with another base hit

Here lies the 2923 Astros.

They never scored.

Diaz struck that ball well. Deepest part of the yard. Ratfarts.

900 years of futility? I guess it’s not out of the question, but it’s pretty bleak, Mr McCarthy.

900 years between runs. Sure looking that way.

Stop hitting it to cf guys. The wall is a long distance that way

And 1-0 Reds.


Well, fuck me, game over.

Jesus Christ, how fucking pathetic this team’s offense is.

They scored yesterday. Quitcherbitchin

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JP got hosed on pitch 4 but couldn’t recover.

Abreu with a nice catch.