Other Sports

Wow, that’s a surprise (to me, at least).

Even bigger surprise when he’s announced as Palace’s new manager.

[Just kidding; it’s going to be Mourinho]

Fans of bitter rivals West Brom and Wolves decided to party like it was 1979. Players removed from the field for their safety while the police try to get the crowd back in their place.

The vast, vast majority of football fans have evolved past the tribal fighting of the 70s and 80s. Sadly, policing hasn’t. These fucking idiots have just given every police department the justification to continue to treat fans like 3rd class citizens.

[FTR, I’m not suggesting the police caused this. It’s entirely on the fuckwit Neanderthals who started the fighting.]

These delayed offside calls (and by delayed, I mean 15-20 seconds later after players have had several opportunities to injure themselves in scrambles that will ultimately be declared irrelevant) need to get fixed.

I just witnessed a 4-4 match end 0-0. There were sooooo many goals to be had in the Fulham/Everton game if only there was somebody to take them

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Crystal Palace had Eze and Olise on the pitch at the same time for like the 5th time this season. They combined for three absolute bangers in a very bizarre game.

Hamilton going to Ferrari for 2025.

2024 at Mercedes just got very weird.


Wow. It will be interesting to see those two as teammates if it plays out. Interesting options for Saenz, Ricciardo, Albon, Tsunoda, & Perez, too. Stability at Maclaren should make up an interesting season.

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Hopefully at least one team can compete with Red Bull.

I know nothing about F1, but Ferrari, Mercedes, and Maclaren are all actual cars. Where does Red Bull get its car parts from?

Recycled cans, duh.

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The teams all build their own cars; trying to make the fastest car that complies with the formula. So everything is custom made by the team or by contractors to their own specification. However, only Ferrari and Mercedes build their own engines.

The others aren’t using “stock” engines; they buy them from Ferrari, Mercedes or other automotive companies who don’t have a team in F1 but do make engines. For example, Red Bull used to get its engines from Honda, but they bailed on F1 so Red Bull has a new partnership with Ford to make their engines.

Team who don’t make their own engines break down like this:

  • Red Bull uses Ford engines
  • Haas and Alfa Romeo use Ferrari engines
  • McLaren, Aston Martin and Williams use Mercedes engines
  • Alpine uses Renault engines
  • Alpha Tauri uses whatever engine Red Bull tells them to (i.e. Ford)
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Has Alpine ever finished in anything other than last place?

Not that I’m aware of. Renault, though, has a spectacular history in F1. Emphasis on the word “history”. When Williams was all-conquering in F1 in the 90s, they did it on the back of the amazing Renault V10.

I was hoping the answer would be wings.



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You jest, but Ferrari has had an issue in testing this season where the nose cone on their car was compressing under the force of air at high speed because it was too thin.


The arbiter of everything tech (and unabashed BitDefender shill) explains F1:

lived down the street from me and went to school with my oldest son …

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