Other Sports

Brighton with the “We’ve got [insert name here]” chant.

Palace fans:


When will this fad of playing back to the keeper in tight quarters fade away? How many disasters do teams have to see before they decide that the risk isn’t worth it?

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David Ozoh is a fucking unit.

Palace spent the entire first half down in Brighton’s box terrifying them. Then they come out in the second half and decide to lay back and pretend they’re defensive stalwarts. They are not. Now that there’s no longer a lead to protect, perhaps they’ll get back to attacking.

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My biggest takeaway from that nonsense is that there’s still something wrong with Eze.

Welbeck’s header was pretty remarkable. If it hadn’t been perfectly placed in the corner, the Palace keeper would have had it.

By remarkable, you mean remarkably lucky.

Blinded by the light?

A female referee - Rebecca Welch - took charge of a Premier League match for the first time ever. Further, the VAR official was also a woman (Fulham vs. Burnley). Between them they created headlines only for their participation and nothing else.

Not so the allegedly experienced male referee Robert Jones, who shit all over himself and, by association, the entire match, by sending off a player for making a clear play on the ball and then getting stood on by an opponent. All this taking place in no man’s land in the middle of the park.

Any female in the refereeing ranks is likely to be head-and-shoulders better than the vast majority of her male counterparts. I hope there’s a couple of dozen more of them in the system that can be promoted so that we can get rid of these incompetent wankers.

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The devolution of Chelsea post-Abramovich was expected, but it’s still quite shocking.

I’m still trying to figure out why Pochettino is as sought-after as he apparently is.

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Back when some players didn’t let the fact that they had a game the next day stop them from fully enjoying Christmas.

The fact Jones isn’t at least suspended shows the corruption in soccer.

NF have called for Jones to be banned from their matches going forward.


What happened?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDrFNC9jkQE (cue 3:31)

There must be some previous bad blood or something. That’s the only possible “excuse” I can come up with for a call that bad.

Limey would know more than I, of course, but I don’t recall a team publicly asking a referee to be banned from calling their games. They are publicly accusing Jones of bias and acting on such.

I’m sure the demand has been made before, but I do not believe the PGMOL has ever acceded to such demands officially. They might have a quiet shuffle of future assignments, though, to allow breathing space before a particular ref takes charge of a particular team again.

Occasionally, a ref to be sent down to the Championship for a week, which is a pathetic excuse for a punishment. Like bad pennies, though, they always come back.

We’re in no position to throw stones as long as Angel Hernandez has a job.