My dog

Reading my mind. I was thinking about that encounter recently. I intended to message you to tell you how glad I am you persevered. You are a consistently intelligent contributor here, and I’m glad you stuck it out.


I had to say goodbye to my wonderful dog, Phoebe, on Wednesday. She was my near constant companion for 15 years and it’s not the same here without her. The last two weeks have been hard, watching her struggle to do things she once did with ease due to a rapid physical decline. I knew she was hurting but her indomitable spirit was still strong. I took her to the vet Wednesday because I did not want her to suffer. I had forgotten what I big cry baby I could be.

I can’t imagine not getting another dog but I want to do a bit of traveling that I have put off since the start of covid, I’ll try to wait until late summer before I start visiting the central Texas animal shelters.


I hurt for you, Sphinx. Been there, done that and will endure it again. Ultimately it is the joy they bring that we remember. But I swear there is not a day they are living that I don’t anticipate their loss a little bit and feel sadness.


So sorry, Marty. I hear you about watching life be so difficult.

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My condolences, Sphinx. Having to make that decision is one of the hardest things in life.

Even when it hurts the most, know you made the right choice and she’s no longer suffering. It’s the last and most important part of pet ownership, even if it’s the suckiest one.


True words I know you experienced yourself and watched with Bowie and me.

I’m sorry.

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Man, sorry to hear that, Sphinx. It’s incredibly difficult.

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What was incredibly difficult for me was the after part. The before was easy because I knew it was best for him, the during was easy because I wanted him to know I was with him to the extent he could know, but the after? His physical and emotional absence, the permanence of his leaving, and the oppressive silence where he once lived were almost more than I could bear for about three days. Mercifully, Mark and other friends spent time with me during those days and helped me get to the other side of my grief.


I’m so sorry Sphinx. Heartbreaking.

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So sorry for your loss, Sphinx. Family takes many forms and the grief for the loss of a pet should not be discounted. Well done making the hard but right choice.

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Such horrible news, Sphinx. I’m so sorry. I’ve said goodbye to several amazing dogs in my lifetime. It’s never easy and I still miss each and every one of them.

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I’m sorry. She was a lucky pup to have you as family.

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Very sorry, Marty. I know how difficult that is.

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Mike S said it right. She was lucky to have you. You were lucky to have you, too.

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So sorry, Marty. That’s the “one-conditional love.” It’s likely you’ll outlive them. Take care, man.

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Sphinx/Marty, I’m so incredibly saddened to read about your Phoebe. It’s the one thing I loathe about being a dog owner- we know we’ll outlive them.
As my brother stated, we’ve had dogs our whole lives and had to say goodbye to them all, and I still get weepy thinking of them. It took me 4.5 yrs to get another dog after I had to put down my beloved Golden Retriever, Maggie, suddenly. She was my everything and I miss her dearly, but my new Golden, Sunny, is a sweetheart. I’m slowly learning we can have room in our hearts for several dogs over our life.

Hang in there, I feel your loss and again, so sorry.

All dogs go to heaven.
Because they fucking deserve to.