Music 2025

A personal favorite front man.


Low Cut Connie is in the news. I hadn’t heard of them, but it’s classic rock and roll. Well worth a listen. They’d be a great live show.


Can confirm.

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If you enjoy folk/country I recommend Drew Holcomb’s project with his wife, Ellie - Memory Bank. Really good song writing and great voices.

If you missed the SNL 50th anniversary concert on Friday (not the 50th anniversary show itself) I highly recommend trying to find a way to watch it. It was unbelievable. 3 hours and no duds.

A reason to subscribe to Paramount+

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Amen and absolution.

I have taken to listening to whole albums on Apple Music, rather than letting it curate for me based off a particular request (which it’s pretty darn good at). Many of these albums I haven’t listened to in album form like this for decades.

ELO’s “Out of the Blue” is rightly famous Side Three’s “Concerto for a Rainy Day” which culminates with “Mr. Blue Sky”. But Side One is fucking stellar, Side Two is no slouch and Side Four ends with “Wild West Hero”.

I wonder how much my old blue vinyl copy would be worth today.

In very good condition, about $50. In mint condition, about $200.

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That was the only possible collector’s item in my vinyl stash left in the attic of my old house in Sarf Lahdan. So no found treasure for whoever discovers it, just a confusing look into the dysfunctional mind of a Gen Xer with ADHD.

Well, that and a pretty good record. Of course, they’d probably be more interested in the stash of old skin mags you left.

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An even deeper and more confusing look into the dysfunctional mind of a Gen Xer with ADHD.

If you tune in to KPFT 90.1FM in Houston, worldwide, batgirl is hosting a show from now until 6pm. Listen and support community radio!


This isn’t exactly about 2025 music, but what the hell.

I have two guitars: a PRS Custom 24 that I love and play the most (the neck fits my hand wonderfully), and an Epiphone Les Paul Standard Plus-top that gets less use. Whatever undoubtedly crappy switch was used in the Epi has failed and won’t select one of the pickups. I could just go in and replace the switch with a proper Switchcraft switch, but it’s also got the crappy push-connector wiring, and there’s no reason to believe that the pots are well-matched, so I’ve been thinking what the hell, why not make a little project out of this and install a good switch and jack and one of those 50’s-style wiring harnesses with good pots and caps and see what happens. Even if I fail, I’m really only out a bit of money and time; it’s not like I’ve screwed up my good guitar, and I’ll probably learn something in the process.

So… does anyone have experience with these kits? There seem to be several folks out there that sell them.

And no, I am not a good guitar player. This is simply an indulgence I allow myself. And sometimes I succeed in making music that sounds good, which is very rewarding.

General switch wiring isn’t difficult, I’ve wired a few pots and switches, but never on a Les Paul. Whoever designed that thing should be shot. Just get yourself a diagram, be patient, and wire it up. I assume your soldering skills are competent.