Music, 2022

Tears for Fears put out an album in February called The Tipping Point and it’s fantastic. I don’t know anything they’ve done previously beyond their hits, but I’ve been playing this a lot since I heard about it last week. Listened to it twice while doing yardwork today and it really holds up.


Always liked those guys, I’ll check it out.

I love Tears For Fears.

In other 80s greats…The Fixx have a new album out and are in Houston this week. I may have to check them out. Last time I saw them was about 1990.

Thanks! I had no idea, but they play at Antone’s in Austin on the 31st.

They had a handful of really great songs from what I remember.

They had a handful of really great albums. They, along with U2 and INXS, were one of the great bands to come out of the 80s. Though U2 peaked in 1984.

INXS, to me, doesn’t get as much love and respect as they should.

I saw them in the Summit (88/9ish?), looking back I wish it was a smaller place.

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Wear the same clothes you did back then.

And post pics.

I’d have to sew two pairs of pants together.

Parachute pants, hopefully.

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I had moved on to Bugle Boy acid washed by then.

Well that’s a sweet look, too, especially with the cuffs rolled up to show off your high top Reeboks.

Sorry, Chuck, this thread is for Members Only.


golf clap

I was a Levi’s jean jacket man myself. Which is a great look when paired with… Levi’s jeans.

I certainly could’ve used a queer makeover.


A.k.a.Canadian tuxedo.

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I aspired to Levi’s jeans (and fantasized about a Levi’s jacket). I was firmly in the Toughskins world.

Well, sure, Toughskins. Toughskins were how everyone I knew rolled. Then we turned 10 and it was goodbye, Sears, hello JC Penny.

It wasn’t until I was 12 that I got my first pair of Birdwell Beach Britches, not that I’m still bitter about it or anything.

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I wore whatever hand-me-downs my mom could find. Whether they actually fit me or not. That included Toughskins or whatever the K-mart equivalent was. I don’t think I ever got “new” school clothes until high school. I think I got my first pair of Levi’s when I bought them with my own money earned from long, hard Saturday afternoons at the Safeway.

Toughskins in early elementary school.

Iron on patches on the knees.

By junior high it was Levis (501s). And (look, a squirrel!) parachute pants.

In HS they started allowing shorts. OP, Hobie. Mostly Levi’s but I did have a pair of Bugle Boy jorts. And for special occasions a pair of zCavaricci’s.

ETA: never had a pair of Jordache’s. Too expensive.

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